列宁 陵墓今昔

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1922年5月26日,列宁得了中风,随后右半身偏瘫,并失去了语言能力。斯大林让列宁住在莫斯科近郊高尔基的一所别墅里,边治疗边休养。列宁的妹妹玛嘉帮助照料他的生活。列宁的夫人娜达莎,辅导列宁重新说话。但是,不幸得很,1923年3月,列宁第二次中风,病体越来越虚弱了。前后受到20个月的痛苦折磨之后——70年前的 On May 26, 1922, Lenin got a stroke, then hemi-paralyzed in the right half and lost his language skills. Stalin let Lenin live in a villa on the outskirts of Gorky, Moscow, while healed. Lenin’s sister, Margie, helps take care of his life. Lenin’s wife Natasha counseled Lenin to speak again. Unfortunately, however, in March 1923, the second stroke of Lenin brought the sickness increasingly weakened. After 20 months of pain and suffering - before and after 70 years ago
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