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以前知道国外有专门的电脑超市,所有的散件都象超市一样,消费者可以推着购物车自由的选择需要的产品,在收银台交费的时候还可以由店内的职员帮你把选购的散件装配起来。在脑海里,这样的超市应该象是《nature bom killers》里面那个药品超市一样大,推着小车可以飞奔。 其实在海龙就有这么一家店,闻名而去,店面不算大,过道根本容不下小车穿行,让人有些失望。但店面虽小,散件超市的优势却体现出来了,货架上摆放了主流的大多数散件产品,连鼠标和键盘都有了,如果你不是刻意追求个性的发烧友,在这里应当可以选购到你满意的产品。在这样的散件超市买东西,产品的质量是绝对可以保证的,这也接触大多数对参数和购买技巧不太熟悉的消费者买产品时的后顾之忧。局促的店面还是有很多缺陷,比如买了产品却不能在店里组装,要劳驾您多走两步到边上的另外一个店面来组装,超市的经理消最近正在别的地方建一 It used to be known that there are specialized computer supermarkets overseas and all spare parts are like supermarkets. Consumers can push their shopping carts to freely select the products they need. When the cashier pays, they can also help you to buy them by the staff in the store. The parts are assembled. In my mind, such a supermarket should be as big as the drug supermarket in the “nature bom killers”, pushing the car to run. In fact, there is such a store in Hailong, known for it, the store is not large, the aisle simply can not afford to walk through the car, people are a little disappointed. However, although the store is small, the advantages of the bulk supermarkets are reflected. Most of the mainstream parts products are placed on the shelves. Even the mouse and the keyboard are available. If you are not a fancier who is pursuing personality, you should be able to choose here. Buy your satisfied product. In such a bulk supermarket shopping, the quality of the product is absolutely guaranteed, which also touches the worries of most consumers who are not familiar with the parameters and purchasing skills. The cramped store still has many defects. For example, if you have bought a product but cannot assemble it in the store, you have to walk two more steps to the other store on the side to assemble it. The manager of the supermarket has recently been built in another place.
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河北煤田地质局始建于1953年,下辖七个地勘单位,局机关和河北地质二队、物测队驻邢台市,水文队驻峰峰矿区,第四地质队驻张家口宣化区,全局现有职工5300人。 地质局原来是以
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