Metaheuristics: Some Principles for an Efficient Design

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  Abstract: Many optimization problems (from academia or industry) require the use of a metaheuristic to find a satisfying solution in a reasonable amount of time, even if optimality is not guaranteed. Metaheuristics can be roughly partitioned in two groups: local search methods (e.g., simulated annealing, tabu search, and variable neighborhood search) and population based algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colonies, and scatter search). The reader is assumed to be familiar with the most popular metaheuristics. Even if there exist convergence theorems for some metaheuristics, they usually do not help to develop an efficient metaheuristic. The goal of this paper is to propose general rules which are useful when designing metaheuristics in order to produce good performance according to several criteria, independently of the class of metaheuristics employed. The discussion is illustrated for three well-known optimization problems: graph coloring, vehicle routing and job-shop scheduling.
  Key words: Metaheuristics, local search, population based algorithms, optimization.
  1. Introduction
  Modern methods for solving complex optimization problems are often divided into exact methods and metaheuristic methods. An exact method guarantees that an optimal solution will be obtained in a finite amount of time. Among the exact methods are branch-and-bound, dynamic programming, Lagrangian relaxation based methods, and linear and integer programming based methods [1]. However, for a large number of applications and most real-life optimization problems, which are typically NP-hard [2], such methods need a prohibitive amount of time to find an optimal solution. For these difficult problems, it is preferable to quickly find a satisfying solution. If solution quality is not a dominant concern, then a simple heuristic can be employed, while if quality occupies a more critical role, then a more advanced metaheuristic procedure is warranted.
  The word heuristic is from the Greek and means “to find”. The term metaheuristic was first introduced in Ref. [3], where “meta” is also from the Greek and means “beyond, in an upper level”. Many definitions of metaheuristics can be found in Ref. [4]. The following definition is given in Ref. [5]: A metaheuristic is formally defined as an iterative generation process which guides a subordinate heuristic by combining intelligently different concepts for exploring and exploiting the search space, learning strategies are used to structure information in order to find efficiently near-optimal solutions. There also exists a class of algorithms which combine exact methods and metaheuristics. For a survey on that topic, the reader is referred to Refs. [6-7]. More generally, a unified view on hybrid metaheuristics is given in Ref. [8]. No specific focus will be given here on such methods.   There exist several ways of classifying metaheuristics [4, 9-10], but the focus will be on partitioning them into two classes: local search and population based methods. A local search method starts with an initial solution and tries to improve it iteratively. At each iteration, a modification of the current solution, called a move, is performed in order to generate a neighbor solution. The definition of a move, i.e., the definition of the neighborhood structure, depends on the problem considered. In contrast, population based methods, also called evolutionary algorithms, can be defined as iterative procedures that use a central memory to store and operate on certain solutions collected during the search process. Each iteration, called a generation, involves two complementary ingredients: cooperation and self-adaptation. In the cooperation effort, the central memory is used to build new offspring solutions, while self-adaptation consists of individually modifying the offspring solutions. The output solutions of the self-adaptation phase are used for updating the content of the central memory. In some population based algorithms, the self-adaptation phase can be performed with the use of a local search which is applied individually to some of the offspring solutions. For simplicity, such algorithms are also classified in population based methods.
  Among the most popular local search methods are simulated annealing, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, and guided local search, while the most used population based methods are genetic algorithms, ant colonies, scatter search, adaptive memory algorithms, and memetic search [11]. Theoretically, there exist some convergence theorems associated with the use of metaheuristics [12-14]. Such theorems state that the search has a high probability to find an optimal solution, but in a very large amount of time, which is likely to be larger than the time needed for a complete enumeration. Therefore, such theoretical results do not have any impact in practice, and do not help to efficiently design a metaheuristic.
  The performance of a metaheuristic can be evaluated according to several criteria. The most relevant criteria are (1) quality—value of the obtained results, according to a given objective function f (assumed to be minimized); (2) speed—time needed to get good results; (3) robustness—sensitivity to variations in problem characteristics and data quality; (4) ease of adaptation—the ability to organize the method so that it can appropriately apply to different specific classes of problems; (5) ability to take advantage of problem structure (considering that efficiency often depends on making effective use of properties that differentiate a given class of problems from other classes). It is usually difficult to design a metaheuristic which ranks highly by all of the preceding criteria.   The reader is assumed to be at least moderately familiar with the topic of metaheuristics in general, because in contrast with existing state-of-the-art papers of tutorial nature or books [4-5, 11, 15], the goal of this paper is neither to present or discuss the most popular metaheuristics, nor to numerically compare various metaheuristics. Instead are proposed several rules to build a metaheuristic that performs well, regardless of the class of methods it represents. A few rules can already be found (with different formulations) in other papers [4, 9, 16], but this paper will propose a more exhaustive list of rules using simple formulations. This goal is reinforced in a manner to make the discussion more easily accessible to readers, by illustrating every rule according to three different well-known problems, which are graph coloring, vehicle routing and job-shop scheduling. No numerical comparison will be performed for these problems: such comparisons already exist in the literature but usually according to two criteria only, which are quality and speed. This paper is not limited to these common criteria and is positioned at a higher level, as it derives general lessons that can be made from existing algorithms in order to help the design of efficient metaheuristic for other combinatorial problems.
  The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the three well-known problems which will be considered for the discussion; section 3 then proposes useful rules for the design of any metaheuristic; in sections 4-5, relevant principles for the development of local search methods and respectively for population based algorithms are presented; the paper gives general conclusions in section 6.
  2. Presentation of the Considered Problems
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