
来源 :国有资产管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaodeshanying
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《国有资产法》是我国的一个大法,起草工作十分重要。目前,对于国有资产管理虽有不同意见,但若能经过讨论,达成基本共识并规定成文,对我们今后国有资产管理和经营将起决定作用。 改革十多年来,我们一直遵循邓小平同志关于改革是解放生产力,发展生产力的指示,致力于搞活企业。1978年,经委和计委分开,1979年4月,中央工作会议提出企业扩权十条意见,同年7月国务院发出关于企业扩权五个文件。从此,大家就想方设法增强企业活力,可企业自主权总是不能落实。为什么?原因就在于企业的政府附属物地位一直没有改变。1980年8月18日,小平同志专门讲了机构改革问题。1983年冬天,小平同志又提出要搞《企业法》,确立企业法人地位。1984年初,彭真同志率领中央、人大、国务院等部门同志组织到南方和东北作调查,向书记处汇报,中办和国办转发了我们搞的《企业法》草案,并布置6个城市进行试点。1984年,十二届三中全会通过“关于经济体制改革的决定”,明确提出实行 The Law on State-owned Assets is a big law in our country and drafting work is very important. At present, although there are different opinions on the management of state-owned assets, if we can reach a basic consensus and stipulate the written version after discussion, it will play a decisive role in the management and operation of our state-owned assets in the future. Over the past decade or so since the reform, we have always followed Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s directive that reform is the liberation of productive forces and the development of productive forces and is committed to invigorating enterprises. In 1978, the Economic Commission and the Planning Commission were separated. In April 1979, the Central Working Conference proposed ten opinions on the expansion of the enterprises. In July the same year, the State Council issued five documents on the expansion of the enterprises. Since then, everyone has tried to find ways to enhance the vitality of enterprises. However, enterprise autonomy can never be implemented. Why? The reason is that the position of the government’s government subsidiary has not changed. On August 18, 1980, Comrade Xiaoping devoted himself to the issue of institutional reform. In the winter of 1983, Comrade Xiaoping proposed to engage in “Enterprise Law” and establish the status of corporate legal person. In early 1984, Comrade Peng Zhen led comrades from the Central Government, National People’s Congress and the State Council to organize investigations in the South and Northeast and report to the Secretariat. The Central Office and the State Council forwarded the draft “Enterprise Law” we engaged and arranged six cities Pilot. In 1984, the Third Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee adopted the “Decision on the Reform of the Economic Structure,” which was clearly put forward
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