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大连玻璃厂熔制车间,通过企业整顿,在实践中总结了一套符合我厂熔窑生产规律的“高温——适速——高引上率”的工艺制度。1981年平板玻璃产量达182.3万标箱,创本厂历史最高水平;单机平均产量超过20万标箱,创全国同行业烧煤熔窑单机产量最高水平。1982年第一季度,在大窑衰老、热修频繁的情况下,又比增产计划指标超产15.1万平方米。车间管理工作逐步加强,走上了标准化、制度化的轨道。第一、规章制度不断完善随着企业整顿的不断深入,车间逐步建立健全了“岗位责任制”、“岗位操作法”、“安全技术操作规程”、“车间管理制度”、“干部专责制”、“车间政治工作制度”等共67项。这些制度有三个特点: 一、规章制度来自实践。如煤气炉工段的“六勤四稳”,熔化工段的“小四稳”,制板工段的“大烧大挖”等操作技术和操作方法,都是岗位工人反复实践总结出来的。二、规章制度经过群众民主讨论。如电梯 Dalian Glass Factory melting workshop, through the company’s rectification, summed up in practice a set of in line with our factory furnace kiln production law of “high temperature - speed - high cited rate” technology system. In 1981, the output of flat glass reached 1.823 million TEUs, which was the highest level in the history of the factory; the average output of single machines exceeded 200,000 TEUs, creating the highest level of single-unit production of coal-fired melting kiln in the same industry in the country. In the first quarter of 1982, in the case of aging and frequent heat-renovation of the Daiyao, the output of the project exceeded the output of 151,000 square meters. Workshop management has been gradually strengthened and embarked on a standardized and institutionalized track. First, the continuous improvement of rules and regulations As companies continue to deepen the improvement, the workshop gradually establish and improve the “post responsibility system”, “post operation method”, “safety technical operating procedures”, “shop floor management system”, “cadre accountability system” There are 67 items such as the “Political Work System in the Workshop”. These systems have three characteristics: First, rules and regulations come from practice. Such as gas furnace section “six stable four”, the melting section of the “small four steady”, the plate section of the “big fire excavation” and other operating techniques and methods of operation, post workers are repeatedly practice summed up. Second, the rules and regulations have been discussed by the masses democratically. Such as elevator
1. Buoys for the oceanographic researchTwo kinds of buoys are usua1ly used for the oceanographic research. Theone is the wave rider buoy which follows correctl
本文提出了 v_(m2)/u_2最佳值的计算方法,该值是根据泵的此转数得到的。v_(m2)/u_2最佳值一经确定,泵叶轮的主要尺寸是易于准确定出的。按照这种方法设计的泵,可在设计流量之
加工助剂类别1.稳定剂(表l~表7) 袭1.聚氯乙烯用稳定剂的诸性质………………………………………………(25) 丧2.稳定剂对浆氯乙烯制品的适用性………………………………………