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一实践是马克思主义哲学的出发点和归宿。哲学理论的活力及其实现,取决于它满足社会实践需要的程度。因此,马克思主义哲学在每一时期的研究和宣传,都要以社会实践的需要为坐标来定向定位。只有紧密追踪社会实践的发展,针对新的实际,更新观念,调整与充实自身的内容,才是哲学教学改革的根本出路。 A practice is the starting point and destination of Marxist philosophy. The vitality of philosophical theory and its realization depends on the degree to which it meets the needs of social practice. Therefore, in each period of Marxist philosophy research and publicity, we must take the needs of social practice as the coordinates to orientate. Only by closely tracking the development of social practice, changing the concept of new reality, adjusting and enriching its own content, is the fundamental way out for the reform of philosophy education.
稷菽院遣派杜橡树赴壶州巡查墒情,一去就是半年。回来后他头一个想的是师弟郦尚征,不知这半年他怎样了,想到这儿,杜橡树就想即刻见到他。  多年前,深谙农为国本的钟文焕,上书朝廷倡导富国强兵,保疆卫土,开办稷菽院,吸纳招募学子授以稼穑术艺。杜橡树进入稷菽院,在钟院主精心调教下,慧根显现,学艺超众,很快成为可用之材。  岁月流转,杜橡树很快到了而立之年。稷菽院来了个叫郦尚征的,当时还不到十四岁,钟院长慧眼
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