厨房空间 优化解决方案——对话AMK CEO Frank Huether和中国分公司总经理蔡弘毅

来源 :中国厨卫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghladros
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中国厨卫:休特先生,您能否介绍一下AMK(德国现代厨房协会)的发展历史,以及协会现在的规模。Frank Huether:AMK,即德国现代厨房协会,成立于1956年,是伴随着德国嵌入式厨房的兴起而成立的行业协会组织,并在德国嵌入式厨房的发展过程中发挥了重大作用。AMK目前拥有125家会员企业,以德国企业为主,也有总部位于法国、意大利、丹麦等其它欧洲国家的会员企业。125家企业均为与厨房相关的企业。如厨房电器、橱柜以及橱柜零配件生产企业,他们能够代表欧洲厨房市场,销量超过90%。中国厨卫:当初组建AMK的初衷是什么?AMK成立后对行业起到了怎么的推动作用? China Kitchen & Bath: Mr. Seth, can you tell us about the history of the AMK and the current size of the association. Frank Huether: AMK, the German Association of Modern Kitchen, was founded in 1956 as an industry association with the rise of German embedded kitchens and played a major role in the development of the German embedded kitchen. AMK now has 125 member companies, mainly German companies, there are also headquartered in France, Italy, Denmark and other European member companies. 125 companies are related to the kitchen business. Such as kitchen appliances, cabinets and cupboard parts manufacturers, they can represent the European kitchen market, sales of more than 90%. China kitchen and toilet: What was the original intention of setting up AMK? AMK after the establishment of the industry how to play a catalytic role?
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