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广东省中山市的前身是民主革命的先驱者孙中山先生的故乡——中山县。它地处珠江三角洲的腹部,界于广州、珠海两经济特区之间,毗邻港澳,是驰名的侨乡。全市面积1,680平方公里,人口105万,旅居海外人士约60万,分布在68个国家和地区。中山市素来风调雨顺、四季如春、气候适宜。农业连年丰收,是个鱼米之乡。农民丰衣足食、工人安居乐业。中山又是水乡,水运可直通香港、深圳,水陆交通极其便利。几年来,在党的对外开放政策扶植和鼓励下,国民经济日益腾飞,1985年中山市工农业总产值达23.35亿元,加上对外引进、对内联合,许多华侨和港澳同胞捐资或合资进行开发建设,一跃成为一颗初具现代 The predecessor of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is the hometown of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the democratic revolution, Zhongshan County. It is located in the abdomen of the Pearl River Delta, in Guangzhou, Zhuhai between the two special economic zones, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, is well-known hometown of overseas Chinese. The city covers an area of ​​1,680 square kilometers, population 1.05 million, living overseas about 600,000 people, located in 68 countries and regions. Zhongshan has always been good weather, all seasons such as spring, the climate is suitable. Agriculture harvest year after year, is a land of plenty. Farmers well-fed, workers live and work in peace. Zhongshan is a water town, water transport can be through Hong Kong, Shenzhen, water and land transportation is extremely convenient. In recent years, under the support of the party’s policy of opening up to the world, the national economy has been taking off day by day. In 1985, the total industrial and agricultural output of Zhongshan amounted to 2.335 billion yuan. Together with the introduction of foreign investment, joint ventures, many overseas Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots donated or joint ventures Development and construction, has become a newly emerging modern
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BEFORE the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the special schools in the country consisted of only 42 schools for blind and deaf-mute people,