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17年来,《贵阳晚报》从创刊到不断发展,是与我们国家的改革开放和党的工作重心实现重大转移的时代脉搏一起跳动的。在这伟大的时代,《贵阳晚报》在贵阳市的改革、建设、发展的实践中,在贵阳市的两个文明建设中,在当好市委、市政府喉舌的过程中,在反映社情民意、宣传贵阳优势、促进贵阳改革开放中,都做了大量的、深入的、全面的、有成效的工作。对此,市委、市政府和广大人民群众都给予了充分肯定。在这从计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡的重要时期,我们面临许多新的困难、问题和课题,这对我们报社工作提出了新的更高的要求,特别在激烈的市场竞争中,报纸同样面临更加激烈的竞争。在这种情况 In the 17 years since its launch, Guiyang Evening News has been constantly developing and is beating with the pulse of the times when the country’s reform and opening up and the party’s center of gravity shifted to major changes. In this great era, during the reform, construction and development of Guiyang City, Guiyang Evening News reflects the social conditions and public opinions during the two civilizations construction in Guiyang and the mouthpiece of the municipal government. To promote the advantages of Guiyang and promote the reform and opening up in Guiyang, a great deal of in-depth, comprehensive and effective work has been done. In this regard, the municipal government and the broad masses of people have given full affirmation. In this important period of transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, we have faced many new difficulties, problems and topics that have placed new and higher demands on the work of our newspaper. In particular, in the fierce market competition, the newspapers also Facing more intense competition. In this case