SIEMON精备常州邮电大厦 网络通信

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全部采用SIEMON智能布线系统的常州邮电大厦经过近半年的使用,布线系统目前运行良好。该工程大楼总共2800个信息点,采用SIEMON的DB和MB配线架(S110)、CT模块及面板、普通及快接式眺线等。大楼工程在前提条件就绪情况下,于1996年正式布线施工,随着装潢工程的最后结束,1997年底已全部投入使用。 After nearly six months of using Changzhou Posts and Telecommunications Tower, which adopts SIEMON intelligent cabling system, the cabling system is currently in good condition. The project building a total of 2800 information points, using SIEMON’s DB and MB distribution frame (S110), CT modules and panels, common and quick access overlooking the line. Building project in the preconditions ready situation, the official wiring construction in 1996, with the decorating project finally ended, by the end of 1997 has been fully operational.
丽特公司的 IBDN 智能大厦解决方案的主要特点是,能在设备布局发生变化或有特殊需要时实施灵活的管理;支持综合信息传输和连接;保证系统轻松升级,无须改动整体配线系统。另
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