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这个冬天来得早去得晚,气温偏低。北方塞外小城,很冷。然而明亮的阳光从父亲的窗户照进来,屋里暖融融的,阳台上花草青葱。早晨,初升的太阳透过窗帘的缝隙,闪闪烁烁照在浅绿色墙围上。现在人们不大用墙围了。过去,一般人家床挨着墙摆放,睡觉时怕蹭到墙上的白粉,就用纸用布用漆做出各种各样的墙围。这么多年,每次回家来去匆匆,我竟一直没有认真打量过它。浅绿的油漆,上面压了窄窄的略带艺术气息的花边,虽然简单,但朴素干净,很是熨贴舒服。其实没注意是因为太熟悉。几十年前,自己每晚都与这样的墙围做伴,常常偷得睡前的片刻宁静。一个人面壁,回放电影里的画面,重温小说中的情节,悄悄阅读爸爸收藏的中外名著。关灯前后,睁一双疲劳倦乏却炯炯有神的眼睛,手指轻轻划过淡淡的绿色,仿佛看见海阔天空,好似漫步无边原野,不知做过多少天真纯净、不着边际的淡绿的梦。当年, This winter comes early and late, the temperature is low. North outside the small town, very cold. However, the bright sunshine shines in through the window of his father, the room is warm and warm, and the flowers on the balcony are light and green. In the morning, the rising sun penetrated through the curtain crevices, twinkling and shining on the light green wall. People are not using walls now. In the past, people generally placed next to the bed next to the bed, afraid to rub the white powder on the wall to sleep, use paper to make a variety of wall paint with cloth. So many years, every time I go home and hurry, I actually have not seriously looked it over. Light green paint, the pressure of a narrow slightly artistic lace, although simple, but simple and clean, very comfortable ironing. In fact, did not pay attention because it is too familiar. Decades ago, I was accompanied by such a wall every night, often stole a moment before going to bed quiet. A person face, play back the movie screen, review the plot in the novel, quietly read the dad collection of famous Chinese and foreign. Turn off the light before and after, tired of fatigue tired but bright piercing eyes, fingers gently across the faint green, as if to see a brighter future, like wandering the boundless wilderness, I do not know how many innocent pure, inadvertently light green dream. then,
学科综合是现代科学的发展趋势之一 ,反映在人才培养的总体目标上 ,就是培养学生综合解决问题能力。知识本身是泛性的 ,具有一定的延展性和融合性 ,不是按学科界限严格隔离的
Located in the southwestern part of Chaoyang District in Beijing, Panjiayuan is so well known among tourists that its name has become synonymous with antiques.
古老的石桥、流淌的小河、古意盎然的台门、曲曲折折的幽巷,一个个名胜古迹,一处处历史遗迹,一串串老旧的故事,到处散发着古越文化的芬芳,抒写着江南的诗意和灵气。 The anc
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