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  Lesson Plan:
  Grade level:Grade 6 in primary school
  Equipment: flashcards, text, bingo grid, board
  Vocabulary: a hat, sunglasses, glasses, a scarf, a shirt, a T-shirt, a tie, a suit, pants, jeans, shorts, a skirt, a dress, a jacket, a coat, gloves, pajamas, socks, shoes, sneakers, sandals
  Grammar: Revision of Present Simple Tense
  Introduction to Present Continuous Tense
  1.Lesson focus:
  Vocabulary building, use of the Present Continuous Time
  Activate lexical and grammatical material in the process of the lesson
  2.Learning objectives of the lesson:
  A.Students will be able to actively use new vocabulary in speech.
  B.Student will be able to talk in Present Continuous Tense.
  C.Students will be able to express their own opinions.
  D.Students will be able to build sentences describing what their classmates are wearing.
  E.Student will be able to spontaneously ask questions using previously-learnt material.
  3.Assessment tools/objectives:
  A.Students will be able to work productively and respectfully in a group and Individually.
  B.Students will be able to develop their memory skills by playing a memory game.
  C.Students will be able to make up a presentation and role play it.
  D.Students will be able to hear a description, understand it and correspond it to one of their classmates.
  E.Students will be able to make up description sentence in Present Continuous Tense.
  4.Lesson Structure:
  Step one: Greeting
  Greet the students and roll call
  T: Good afternoon, everyone. How are you doing? Who is not here today?
  Step two: warm-up
  T: Would you like to play a game now?
  S: Yes!
  T: How about “Sausage”? I need a student to come here and sit in my chair. Who wants to come? Johnson!
  To Johnson:
  Please sit down and answer all the questions that other students might ask with only one answer:sausage! If you smile or change the answer--you will lose your turn.   To everyone:
  You can ask Johnson any questions that comes to your mind as long as it is correct! Your task is to make him laugh! The student who succeeds in doing so will gain a turn, you will sit in the middle of the class to answer all the questions without smiling!(One student raises hand.)
  S: What is your name?
  Johnson: Sausage!
  S: How do you usually come to school?
  Johnson: Sausage!
  Step three: Presentation
  Present new vocabulary using flashcards and pointing to what students wears.
  T: Look and repeat after me…a hat, sunglasses, glasses, a scarf, a shirt, a T-shirt, a tie, a suit, pants, jeans, shorts, a skirt, a dress, a jacket, a coat, gloves, pajamas, socks, shoes, sneakers, sandals.
  T: For glasses, sunglasses, pants, jeans, shorts, gloves, socks, shoes, sneakers,we say“a pair of…”because there are two items.
  Practicing new vocabulary and revising Present Simple Tense.
  Asking and Answering the Questions.
  T: What do you usually /never wear to school/to bed/ to the beach/ in winter/ in summer?What does your father wear to work? What do you wear on your head?
  Students give the answers using Present Simple Tense.
  Practicing new vocabulary and Present grammar: Present Continuous Tense
  T: What are you wearing now? For example, I am wearing a T-shirt, a pair of pants, socks and sneakers. How about you?
  To answer the question...use this formulate:
  (∩_∩) be Ving(∩_∩)——stands for a person: name or personal pronoun(I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
  I am…He/She/It is…You/We/They are…
  V——stand for a verb ( wear ing = wearing)
  We use this tense to talk about an action that is happening right now. And the question is not about what you wear every day.It’s about what you are wearing right now.
  So, I repeat the question: What are you wearing now?
  S: I am wearing a shirt, a pair of jeans and shoes.
  Game: Play “the Sheep Comes Loaded”. It’s a variation of the game.It’s good for memorizing new vocabulary units and practicing grammar patterns at the same time.
  Let’s play a game! Imagine that you are going for a trip and need to take some clothes with you, but you don’t have a suitcase, so you will have to wear all the items at once. The first student starts by saying what he is wearing ( just one item ) and the next one continues by repeating the first item and adding a new one.   For example:
  S1: I am wearing a hat.
  S2: I am wearing a hat and a shirt.
  S3: I am wearing a hat, a shirt and a pair of pants.
  Step four: Practice and Consolidation
  Read the text and answer the questions about the text.
  Here comes Hank. He is wearing a blue shirt, red pants and a hat. He looks very handsome. Here come Lucy and Amy. They are wearing dresses and sunglasses. They look pretty. Look, who is there? He’s Mike. He is wearing a pair of shorts, a jacket and boots. He looks funny.
  Questions to the text:
  1.How does Hank look?
  2.What is Mike wearing?
  3.Is Hank wearing green T-shirt?
  4.What outfit do you like most?
  Remake the text and ask the students to Role Play. This activity is called “Fashion Show”. Divide the students into several groups and ask them to present a fashion show, describing what they were. Make little space in the middle of the classroom to serve as a podium. And assess students’plays.
  T: Now, please, in groups remake the text we have just read and describe what people in your group wear. Do it in a fashion show way. One of you would walk on the podium and others describe what you are wearing and how you look.
  Play“ Guessing Game ”
  The teacher starts this activity by describing what one of the students is wearing. Everyone has to guess who this student is. The student who correctly guesses takes a turn.
  T: She is wearing a blue blouse and a red skirt
  S: Is she Kate?
  T:Yes! Now you can come here and describe one of your classmates.
  Assess students’work. And say good bye.
  T: Good job, everyone! Now let’s look at the board and count who worked the best in today’s class. Class is over, goodbye everyone!
  本课的学习目标要求学生学习有关穿着的一系列词汇(其中有好几个属于“超纲” 词汇),同时又要复习一般现在时的用法,学习现在进行时的用法等。在“Learning objectives”中可以看出,教师的用意是希望学生通过对“穿戴”情况的疑问、陈述来学习和运用所学的词汇。按理说,要在一节课内有效完成这些学习内容是有点困难的。但在课堂上运用游戏进行教学有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,减轻学生的压力和负担。游戏本身的趣味性能活跃课堂的气氛,把紧张而单调的学习变得轻松愉快。当学生处在比较轻松活泼的氛围中,就较容易克服语言学习上的焦虑情绪。课堂内总共进行了四个游戏。“warm-up”中的“Sausage”游戏,十分有趣。这个游戏的目的是得到一种意料之外的回答,从而达到“陌生化”的效果。学生在进行这样的游戏时,因获得与生活常识相悖的结论而开怀大笑。老实说,这一游戏所包含的语言任务未必与课题相契合,但可以十分有效地营造一种课堂气氛,从而在一开始就奠定了课堂基调,也决定了学生在课堂内的投入程度。
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【摘要】目前网络信息已经全面渗透于小学教育教学中,这也预示着学生将要接触网络和运用网络。作为小学班主任,为了能够让学生科学合理运用网络信息,建立正确的甄别意识,为学生的健康成长保驾护航,开展有效的德育管理工作成为他们的首要任务。本文主要探讨了网络时代小学班主任开展德育管理工作的策略,希望能够起到有效的参考作用。  【关键词】网络时代;班主任;德育管理;对策  在这个网络信息大爆炸的时代,给小学班级
【摘要】学习兴趣是指学生对学习活动产生的心理上的爱好和追求的倾向。当学生对学习的内容产生兴趣,就会充分发挥自己的积极性和主动性。对于物理这门学生普遍反映难学的科目来说,只有激发学生对物理感兴趣,他们才想学、爱学,才能学好,从而用好物理。因此,能否在教学过程中激发学生学习物理的兴趣,是提高课堂教学质量的关键。  【关键词】高中物理;学习兴趣;课堂教学  兴趣是产生注意的基础,是激发学生求知的动力,培
【摘要】看图写话是低年级学生进行习作训练的重要途径。看图写话的方式多种多样,人物对话式看图写话特别受学生喜爱,相同的画面,学生想象的内容各具特色,语言丰富有趣。教师处理好了图中的因果关系,人物之间恰当的对话,正确使用提示语和标点符号,然后遵循先说后写的原则等,学生写起来就会得心应手,一气呵成。  【关键词】因果关系; 对话; 想象; 提示语; 先说后写  语文课标中指出,一至二年级从写话入手,是为
【摘要】案例中,孩子的父母在教育孩子的方式上产生矛盾,父母孩子之间很少沟通。孩子对学习与家人、师生都是抱着应付的心态,得过且过。但是在校外结识了不少社会青年,曾离家出走,有青少年犯罪的倾向。通过同理心亲近、情感回顾、发展规划、再塑亲情等方式,慢慢改变家长与孩子之间的相互观感,令孩子感受到父母对他的爱,压制自身的错误倾向,逐步养成良好习惯。  【关键词】正视问题;心理辅导;现实规划;重塑亲情;健康习
清晨被电话铃叫醒,虽早有准备,也仍然心里一颤:“老丁爷爷走了,昨天下午5点半……”下午3点,我匆匆赶到60公里以外的西郊回民公墓,只来得及为已入殓的九旬老人家铲上几锹土,代表我家里曾经的两代附中学生,也代表我的少年同窗们。  在和煦的春风里阿訇们吟唱着,我恍惚觉得我们的老校长并没有离开大家,他只不过是躺卧在地底下静静地睡着了。他不再会有痛苦,像十二天前我见到的那样。  4月22日下午,我悄悄走进因
【摘要】课堂组织教学管理是影响课堂教学效果的重要因素。因此,教师要注意课堂组织教学中的“三点”,即有效创设情景,激发学习欲望;有效组织学习,让学生乐学其中;有效、健全的课堂评价机制,让学生各有所获。如果做到以上几点,教师的课堂组织教学就可以避免“浮华”,从而达到高效和趣味性。  【关键词】情景创设;合作学习;现代教学手段;评价  一个高质高效的课堂有赖于有效的课堂组织教学管理。如何提高课堂的组织教