法制节目向民生“借颜” 提升荧屏“颜值”

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随着依法治国理念的不断深入,法制节目已成了电视观众关注的焦点,与此同时,涉及法律的事件也成为媒体争抢的热点。在媒体竞争日益激烈的今天,节目题材紧缺已成为地方台法制节目发展的最大障碍。在一个地区内,发生率极低的典型案例,常会出现中央、省、市多家媒体竞争的局面,而民生新闻的出现又使法制节目的题材选择更加捉襟见肘。为了扩大题材的选择范围,法制类电视节目构成已由单纯的以案说法为主,向选题的民生化和内容的服务性转 With the deepening of the concept of governing the country according to law, the legal program has become the focus of television viewers’ attention. At the same time, the events involving the law have also become the hot spots for the media to fight for. With the increasingly fierce media competition, the shortage of programs has become the biggest obstacle to the development of local legal programs. In a typical case of extremely low incidence in a region, competition from a number of media at the central, provincial and municipal levels often occurs. The emergence of people’s livelihood news makes the choice of subject matter of legal programs even more difficult. In order to expand the choice of subject matter, the constitution of legal-type television programs has changed from purely case-based approaches to service-oriented transformation of the content and the people’s livelihood of the selected topics
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教育领域的改革,是一场深刻的社会变革,也是一项艰巨复杂的系统工程,正在向多领域拓展,向深层次推进。既应该借鉴其他领域改革的成功经验,也应该充分考虑到,教育不同于其他事业,必须积极而又稳妥地推进,切实增强改革的系统性、协调性、有效性。  第一,加强统筹谋划,搞好顶层设计,才能事半功倍,少走弯路。根据党的十八大关于深化教育领域综合改革的要求,认真总结推进教育改革的成功经验,查找差距和不足,加强顶层设计
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日前有媒体报道,某中学出台了“女生不许留长发”的校规。长发本是女孩子美的象征,爱美是女孩子的天性和合法权益。《中学生日常行为规范》只是要求“不烫发,不染发,不化妆,不佩戴首饰,男生不留长发,女生不穿高跟鞋”。“女生不许留长发”的校规显然就有点强词夺理,忽视了孩子的心理和情感需要,更和国家法规形成了冲突。  校规旨在给孩子提供一个温馨、有序的教育环境,提升规则意识和法制意识。因为其本身充满了善意,我
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