振兴民族工业 爱护国产名牌

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振兴民族工业爱护国产名牌本刊评论员改革开放以来,我国人民群众的消费水平日益提高,消费层次也在提高,其基本表现就是注重名牌、追求名牌,增加名牌消费。近年来虽然在国内市场内出现了许多中国名牌,但与我国的总体经济实力和广大的国内市场相比,国内名牌产品还是太... Since the reform and opening up, the consumption level of our people has been rising day by day, and the consumption level has also been rising. The basic performance of the people is that we pay attention to the brand name, the pursuit of brand name, and the increase of brand name consumption. In recent years, although many Chinese famous brands have appeared in the domestic market, compared with the overall economic strength of our country and the vast domestic market, the domestic brand-name products are still too ...
转口来 源地 总计十大来源地,日 本台湾羹国中田内地’韩国新加坡德国意大利马来西亚英国金额 比上年占总值(亿港元) 士% %3.840.43 19.0 100.0930.37 2.7 24.2770.86 16.o 2
Silica-based Yb 3+-doped glass is prepared by non-chemical vapor deposition.The drawn photonic crystal fiber(PCF) has a strong absorption at 976 nm and emission
从纽约长岛到大西洋城和毗邻加拿大的尼加拉瓜瀑布城,有一些比超级市场规模更大、商品门类更多的MALL。 MALL,直译为林荫路,这里指商业群体。我们称它为“幕”,虽近似译音,
A Dy3+-doped LiYF4 single crystal capable of generating white light by simultaneous blue and yellow light emission of phosphorescent centers is produced.Chromat
The electrical properties of the structure of GaN grown on an Si (111) substrate with low-temperature (LT) AlN interlayers by metal-organic chemical-vapour depo
国际锌年均价将上升到每吨1100美元近年来,国际市场锌价连续上升。在伦敦金属交易所,锌的年平均价1993年为每吨960.68美元,1994年为998.28美元,上升3.9%。1995年锌的年均价达1030.80美元,比1994年上涨3.3%。英国《经... The avera
记者:顾书记,您好!您在百忙之中能抽出时间来参加全省对外开放工作会议,说明我省对对外开放工作非常重视。 顾书记:是的。去年1月6日,我们省召开的第一个会议就是全省对外开放