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党员教育培训是基层党组织一项十分重要的工作,是加强党的先进性、纯洁性建设的重要途径。中共中央办公厅印发的《2014-2018年全国党员教育培训工作规划》,对加强党员教育培训提出了具体要求,强调“党员每年集中学习培训时间,根据实际情况确定,一般不少于32学时。”为了落实党员教育培训责任,切实提高党员队伍综合素质,一些基层党组织在党员教育培训上投入了很大精力,诸如组织形势任务报告会、邀请党校老师举办专题讲座、基层党组织负责人定期上党课等。然而,由于所安排的内容缺乏计划性、连续性、针对性,重数量、轻 Education and training of Party members is a very important work of the grass-roots party organizations and an important way to strengthen the building of the party’s advanced nature and purity. The “2014-2018 National Plan for Education and Training of Party Members” issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee sets forth specific requirements for strengthening education and training of party members. It emphasizes that "party members should concentrate their time on training every year and determine according to the actual situation, generally no less than 32 hours . In order to implement the responsibility of education and training for party members and effectively improve the overall quality of party members, some grassroots party organizations have devoted a great deal of energy to education and training of party members, such as the task report on the organization of the situation, inviting party teachers to hold seminars and grassroots party organizations People regularly attend classes and so on. However, due to the lack of planning of the content arranged, continuity, relevance, weight, light
我厂一台 C41—400kg 空气锤锤杆下部空心横截面上出现裂纹,长达754mm,己占整个锤杆周长的80%,如图1,直线度大于0.5mm。经研究,决定采用焊补修复。具体做法如下。一、焊前分
会议名称时间1.第七届稀土讨论会2.欧洲磁性材料及其应用讨论会3.第十届稀土永磁及其应用讨论会4.国际磁学会议5.三十三届磁学磁性材料会议1989年3月30日1 989年9月6日1989年
成都电焊机研究所在1987年的科研工作中,为促进科学技术发展和行业技术进步,加速产品的更新换代,取得七项科研成果。现将简况介绍如下: Chengdu Welding Research Institute
A new version of the scalar transverse electric(TE) wave equation in the bent waveguide is introduced. Then, TE polarized field in curved single-mode waveguides