In order to implement Chairman Mao’s “June 26th Directive,” carry out the task of cancer prevention and treatment in our province, Fujian Medical University, Jinjiang District Health Bureau joint organization of cancer census team, November 1973 to 1979 On February 4, 2004, based on the Census of Esophageal Cancer conducted by Zhangban and Chongwu in Hui’an County, more than 60,000 people over the age of 15 were enrolled in esophageal cancer screening and investigation to investigate the incidence and mortality. According to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, 1970-1972 esophageal cancer census report: The two communes the annual population incidence of 88.33 / 100 000, annual mortality 66.40 / 100 000, two communes for my area of high incidence of esophageal cancer.