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我国对自行车车圈(轮辋)接头凹陷量的质量检测,一直是以专用塞尺对被专用钳口夹持的轮辋接头处塞入与否来定该产品零件的合格或不合格。这种检测方法,既不能反映零件的实际凹陷量,而且,因夹持、操作方法各异,对同一零件也很难得出较满意的统一结论。 China’s bicycle rims (rims) joint depression quality testing has been based on a dedicated feeler to be gripped by a special jaw to plug the rim joints at or not to determine the product parts qualified or unqualified. This method of detection can neither reflect the actual amount of depression of the part, but also it is difficult to draw a more conclusive and uniform conclusion on the same part due to different clamping and operating methods.
The problem of composition prediction of petroleum fractions was studied. Molecular connectivity index 1 X was used to describe the molecular structure of hydr
CeO_2 nanoparticles with an average diameter of about 30 nm were prepared by sot-gel method at lower temperature. The gel, transformed from the aqueous solution
瑞典新型的Saab直接点火[Saab Direct Ignition(SDI)]装置自1985年元月起有200辆汽车进行了两年的路试。该公司拟将SDI安装于近期开发的一种先进的涡轮增压16气门的发动机上
The nature of bonding in the title compounds has been studied by using CASSCF and FOCI techniques. The ground states of PtC and PtN are found to be 1(+ and 2(
我们时代新的媒介核心就是高度的情报化。日本三菱汽车公司的MP-90X型超级轿车就是着眼于90年代而设计的,它装有最新式高性能的通讯设备及电子仪器。 The new media core of