
来源 :中国人口科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoge1011
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文章基于中国健康养老追踪调查(CHARLS)微观数据,应用内生Logit模型和多层次分析技术,探讨了社会资本影响健康的个体效应、社区效应和交互效应。结果显示:(1)个体社会资本和社区社会资本对健康均有显著的促进作用,且社区效应更明显。(2)个体社会资本与社区社会资本影响健康的交互效应不显著,既与当前社区公共服务设施的供给不足有关,也离不开市场文明与契约制度对传统个体与社区互动联系的削弱作用。(3)社会资本的健康促进效应存在性别、年龄和婚姻状态的差异。男性的健康水平相对较高,但女性社会资本的健康促进效应高于男性;年龄越高的人自评健康越低,但中年人的社会资本健康促进效应高于老年人;独居对个体的健康不利,而且独居个体的社会资本健康促进效应也更低。文章认为,政府不仅要完善医疗卫生服务体系、社会养老保险等正式社会保障制度,还应重视社会资本这一非正式制度对中老年人健康的重要影响。 Based on the micro-data of CHARLS in China, this study explored the individual, community and interaction effects of social capital on health based on endogenous Logit model and multi-level analysis. The results show that: (1) Individual social capital and community social capital have significant health promotion effects, and the community effect is more obvious. (2) The interaction effect of individual social capital and community social capital on health is insignificant, which is not only related to the current lack of supply of community public service facilities, but also the weakening effect of market civilization and contract system on the interaction between traditional individuals and the community. (3) There are differences in gender, age and marital status of health promotion effect of social capital. Men’s health is relatively high, but women’s social capital health promotion effect is higher than men’s; people with higher self-rated health is lower, but middle-aged people’s social capital health promotion effect is higher than that of the elderly; Health is unfavorable, and the individual’s social capital health promotion effect is also lower. The article holds that the government should not only perfect the formal social security system such as health care service system and social pension insurance, but also attach importance to the important influence of the informal system of social capital on the health of middle-aged and elderly people.
该项研究为“八五”国家攻关项目《米脂丘陵沟壑区农业生态经济体系研究》的子课题。1992年9月陕西省农业科学院组织省、地有关专家审定为创新性研究成果。 The study is a
总线就是载有信息的线集。本章介绍微计算机系统总线,接口和总线标准问题。一、总线和接口1.三种总线一个典型的微计算机系统由三个部分 The bus is a set of lines contai