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通过实习作业来培养学生独立实验的能力须从多方面着手而且要经常进行。过去通报上曾刊登过不少有关这方面的文章,现在我再提出下列两点补充意见,我认为这些问题也都是非常重要的。(一)教师要逐步放手让学生主动地进行实验,不要处处限制学生操作。所谓逐步放手让学生主动地进行实验,并不是说可以脱离教师的主导作用;所谓不要处处限制学生操作,也并不是说可以让学生任意操作。逐步放手让学生主动地进行实验的机会,要随年级的增加与学生操作熟练程度的增加而递增,同时应注意下列两方面的培养:1.关于装置仪器方面的培养:不仅要使学生懂得为什么要这样装置,而且要培养学生能独立地进行装置。例如在实验氧气的制取和它的性质时,仪器管理员和教师只须把铁架台、试管、导管……等仪器准备好就行了,并不须要事前替学生装置好,应由学生按照已预习过的装置图形来练习操作。教师应在实验前检查学生准备情况时结合检查学生对仪器的装置情况,这样才可能逐步地培养学生使用仪器的技能技巧,从而达到独立实验的能力。 The ability to develop students’ independent experiments through internships needs to be done in many ways and often. In the past, many articles on this issue were published in the circular. Now, I would like to make the following additional comments. I think these issues are also very important. (A) teachers should gradually let the students take the initiative to experiment, do not restrict student operation everywhere. The so-called step-by-step letting students take the initiative to experiment does not mean that they can be divorced from the leading role of teachers. The so-called do not restrict student operation everywhere does not mean that you can let students operate arbitrarily. Gradually let go for students to take the initiative to experiment with the opportunity to increase with the grade and student proficiency increased, and should pay attention to the following two aspects of training: 1. On the device and equipment training: not only to enable students to understand why To be such a device, but also to train students to carry out the device independently. For example, in the preparation of experimental oxygen and its nature, the instructor and the instructor need only prepare the equipment such as the iron stand, the test tube, the catheter, etc., and do not need to arrange the apparatus for the student in advance. Pre-done device graphics to practice the operation. The teacher should check the students’ condition of the equipment when checking the preparation of the students before the experiment, so as to gradually develop the skills and skills of the students to use the instruments so as to achieve the capability of independent experiment.
过去,当讲到初三化学“碳”的吸附作用时。我们只作将烧热的碳块(或屑)置入盛有棕色的 NO_2瓶中,使棕色消失的实验。又因继续作了碳吸附色素的实验,同学们误会成碳只能吸附
製取合成高分子化合物有兩種原則上不同的方法:(1)單體化合物的聚合或縮聚;(2)合成高分子化合物或天然高分子化合物的化學改變。 化學變形可以將原來的聚合物極大地改變,而
引进8个毛白杨优良无性系,用不同砧木、不同嫁接方法进行育苗和不同砧木鞭条生产试验,经过4年实践,选出了适宜推广的4个优良无性系,3种优良砧木,1种春季育苗的最佳方法。 Eight excell