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  【Unit 3随堂通参考答案】
  Step I (for Section A)
  Ⅰ. 1. license / licence2. allowed
  3. sillier4. drive5. pierced
  6. teenagers7. own8. laughing
   9. disagree10. instead
  Ⅱ. 1. B2. C3. C4. D5. D6. D7. C
   8. A9. D10. B
  Ⅲ. 1. rules 2. do3. on4. too
  5. allowed6. don’t7. should
  8. nothing9. hard10. right
  Step II (for Section B)
  Ⅰ. 1. strict 2. concentrates3. volunteer
  4. present5. opportunity 6. experience
  7. uniforms8. serious9. off 10. stays
  Ⅱ. 1. sleeping 2. performed3. worried
   4. not be allowed5. minutes’6. sells
  7. needs8. washing9. changed
  10. noisy
  Ⅲ. 1. A2. B3. C4. C5. D6. A7. C
   8. C9. C10. B
  Step III (for self-check )
  Ⅰ. 1. serious2. making 3. used
  4. perform 5. primary 6. volunteer
  7. more8. allow 9. silly10. succeed
  Ⅱ. 1. B2. B3. B4. D5. B6. C7. B
   8. D9. A10. B
  Ⅲ. 1. 不够严肃2. 熬夜3. 休息三天
   4. 对某人要求严格 5. 被允许做某事
   6. concentrate on ... 7. the other day
   8. instead of 9. get the driving license
   10. at least
   11. 哪些是青少年应该遵守的规则?
   12. 更长的假期能让我们有时间做很多事情,如志愿者服务。
   13. His parents do not allow him to play the piano.
   14. I think I should be allowed to make my own decision.
   15. It would be a good experience for me to become a teacher when I’m older.
  Step Ⅳ(能力拓展)
  Ⅰ. 1. After2. Both; student; parent
   3. finish reading4. C
  Ⅱ. One possible version:
   Mr Green, it is a notice to the audience. It says that we should enter the concert hall 20 minutes earlier before the concert starts. Entrance to the hall is by ticket only, each one each ticket. As a rule, people can’t take food or drinks in. Of course, smoking is not allowed in the hall, either. People aren’t allowed to take photos during the concert. And what is more, people must keep off the mobile phones during the concert.
  【新目标英语九年级Uints 1~3综合测试题参考答案】
  Ⅰ. 1~5 CBCBB 6~10 CCDDB
   11~15 BACDB
  Ⅱ. 1~5 DBADC 6~10 ACADB
  11~15 ADCAB 16~20 CBADB
  21~25 ADBDA
  Ⅲ. 1~5 ACCBD 6~10 CCCDA
  11~15 DCADD
  Ⅳ. 1. plan2. Choosing3. decision
  4. yourself5. that6. with7. certain
  8. time9. adults10. interests
  Ⅴ. One possible version:
  How to Study English Well
   Hello, everyone!Now I’d like to tell you how I study English every day. I hope it may help you. I love English very much. So every morning I get up early and read English aloud. I think it’s easy to remember things in the morning. In class I listen to my teacher carefully and take the important notes. After class I go over the notes as soon as possible. When I am free, I always practice speaking English with my friends. I think it’s a good way to improve our spoken English. After school the first thing I often do is reading the English Journal for Middle School Students. I’ve learned many new words and read many interesting stories by that way. I am proud of my reading skills. I keep an English diary every night. Before I go to bed I always listen to the cassettes. That’s why I am good at listening and writing.
   Maybe it’s not easy to learn English well, but as the saying goes, “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it”.
   Good luck with your English study!
   May you succeed!
   Thank you for listening.
  【Unit 4随堂通参考答案】
  Step I (for Section A)
  Ⅰ. 1. medical 2. Millions 3. researches
   4. nervous 5. charities 6. present
  7. solutions 8. confidence 9. trouble
  10. hard; hardly
  Ⅱ. 1. careless 2. easily3. listeners
   4. friendly 5. making 6. badly
   7. millions8. were
  Ⅲ. 1. A2. C3. A4. C5. B 6. A7. B
   8. C
  Step II (for Section B)
  Ⅰ. 1. confident2. slight 3. permission
  4. bother 5. let 6. advice7. Energetic
  8. creative9. introduce 10. plenty
  Ⅱ. 1. 把钱捐给慈善机构 2. 做医学研究工作
  3. 长小脓疱4. 睡觉前长时间散步
  5. 未经允许借衣服
  6. ask / invite sb. to be in a movie
  7. worry about...
  8. What if... ?
  9. be confident of sth.
  10. would rather ... than ...
  Ⅲ. 1. D2. B3. A4. A5. B6. D7. D
  8. B9. C10. B
  Step III (for Self-check )
  Ⅰ. 1. confident2. rather 3. advice
  4. energetic5. public 6. permission
  7. company8. hurt9. offers10. accident
  Ⅱ. 1. A2. D3. B4. B5. C6. D7. C
   8. C9. A10. A
  Ⅲ. 1. would / rather stay; than go
  2. green rather than / instead of blue
  3. will never let; down
  4. is sure of success
  5. will; come out 6. is helpful to
  7. has come up with
  8. Confident; aren’t afraid to speak in public
  9. Would; do; to make a speech
  10. If; were; would walk
  Step Ⅳ(能力拓展)
  Ⅰ. 1. windows2. hallway 3. In school
   4. inside5. crouch6. ditch
  Ⅱ. One possible version:
   Wuhan is developing quickly. It is one of the most beautiful cities in China. It will attract more people to come to Wuhan. So we should do well to show that both the city and its people are lovely. In order to be a lovely Wuhanese, we shouldn’t speak loudly in public places. We should always be ready to help others. When we are on the bus, we should make room for the old man and the woman witha baby. We shouldn’t throw litter on the ground. We should plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. I want to be a lovelyWuhanese. I’m now studying hard and getting ready for the future.
  【新目标英语九年级单元要点检测题Unit 3听力材料及参考答案】
  Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(共三节,满分25分)
  1. Could you pass me some hot water, please?
  2. What day is it today?
  3. What’s the date today?
  4. Is your radio often repaired by yourself?
  5. How often do you see your grandfather?
  6. M: How about having a walk after supper in the park, Miss Smith?
   W: Well, good idea, but I have some work to finish.
  7. M: How was your weekend?
   W: I had a wonderful time. My husband and I went fishing yesterday.
  8. W: Let me introduce you to Mr Green. He once worked at a restaurant, too.
   M: I did not work at a restaurant. You’ve mistaken me for someone else.
  9. W: Has it always been green?
   M: No, I’ve just painted it. I don’t want Tom to know whose it is.
  10. W: Do you know Cathy’s sister?
   M: Of course, I know her. She likes to talk and is a pleasant person to be with.
  11. M: Whose book is this?
   W: It’s mine.
   M: Could I borrow it?
   W: Certainly, but I musttell you it’s not as good
   as they say.
   M: How come?
   W: Well, for one thing, the story isn’t very good.
   And the characters in the story are more like
   paper dolls than living things.
   M: That’s strange. Usually this writer does agood
   job. I’ve read four ofhisbooksandthought
   they were all well written.
   W: I like his other books, too, buthefailedthis
   M: What did our teachers say?
   W: They had different opinions. Somesaidit was
   good and some said it was bad. I say it’s bad.
  12. M: Good morning, Ann. How’s it going?
   W: Pretty good. How about you?
   M: Oh, I’m OK. I have to teach five classes today, so I’m really busy. How’s that English class you’re teaching?
   W: It’s going really well. I have a great class this year. I’ve got 30 students and most of them are putting a lot of time into their work.
   M: That’s great. I love to teach English. Right now I’m only teaching history, but I hope I can teach English next year.
   W: Well, it can be a lot of fun when the students want to learn.
   M: Oh, I’ll give a lesson in a few minutes. I must be off now. Have a good time.
   W: All right. You, too. Bye!
  13. M: By the way, have you heard about old Peter?
   W: No, why?
   M: Well, he’s had an accident. He fell down the stairs and broke his leg.
   W: Oh, goodness, that’s terrible.
   M: Yes, but the doctor says he’ll be all right.
   W: Well, I’m glad for that. When did it happen?
   M: The day before yesterday.
   W: Is he still in hospital?
   M: Yes, he is in hospital.
   W: Well, I’ll send him some fruits.
   M: That’s a good idea. He’ll like that.
   Last Sunday I took my husband with me to a large department store in London. We both needed some new clothes and were hoping to find a television. When we arrived in Oxford Street, it was so crowded that we decided that either of us would go on his or her own way for the moment and meet again at the ground station. So I left my husband and started looking around the shops. Unfortunately all the clothes were in very large size and were not fit for me. But I did buy a television at a very cheap price, so I felt quite pleased with myself. When I arrived at the station, my husband was not there, so I sat down in a nearby coffee house to have a cup of coffee. I quickly finished my coffee when I saw him. I went out to meet him. He looked very happy. Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box. “Oh, dear!” I said, “Yes, we had no clothes but we had two TV sets.”
  Ⅰ. 1~5 BAABB 6~10 CCCBA
  11~15 BACBC 16~20 BABCA
  21~25 CACBA
  Ⅱ. 26~30 BCCDC 31~35 AADCB
  36~40 DBBBB
  Ⅲ. 41~45 BCDAD 46~50 ABDCB
  51~55 CBDDC 56~60 ABCBD
  61~65 BDABC
  Ⅳ. 66~70 DCABA 71~75 BDDBA
  76~80 BBCAD
  Ⅴ. 81. stayed 82. all 83. crying
  84. just 85. drink 86. worst
  87. building 88. nothing 89. paid
  90. end
  Ⅵ. One possible version:
  Notice to Readers
  Here are some rules. You are not allowed to take your bag into the library. You must be quiet when you are reading in the library. You are allowed to borrow four books at a time, but you are not allowed to lend them to others. You should return the books on time.
  【新目标英语九年级单元要点检测题Unit 4听力材料及参考答案】
  Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(共三节,满分25分)
  1. Whose book is this?
  2. What does your mother do?
  3. Where is Mr. Green’s room?
  4. Could I use your bike?
  5. When does the party begin?
  6. W: What’s your plan after your graduation, Peter?
   M: Well, my parents want me to be a teacher, while I’d prefer to be a journalist.
  7. W: Excuse me! Is this seat taken?
   M: I’m afraid so. The boy has left some books here and gone to get his meal. You may take that one. The girl has finished her lunch and left.
  8. W: It’s 1:00 pm. Why not go to visit the Science Museum today, James?
   M: I’m afraid we can’t. It opens only from 2:00 to 5:00 on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.
   W: You mean we have to wait until tomorrow?
   M: I guess so!
  9. W: Do you like playing golf or tennis, David?
  M: Neither. I’d prefer to spend time listening tosongs.
   W: What kind of songs do you like best?
   M: All of them. I really don’t have a favorite.
  10. W: Did you have the meeting yesterday afternoon?
   M: Oh, yes! I was almost asleep during that one-hour meeting.
   W: An hour? But it seemed much longer, at least two hours, I thought.
   M: That’s because it was too boring.
  11. W: Do you know our new English teacher, Mr. Brown? He will teach us this year.
   M: Yes. I met him and had a talk with him yesterday.
   W: Do you know where he comes from?
   M: I’m not sure. But his accent sounds Canadian.
   W: Many of my classmates think so. But I haven’t seen him so far. I hope to see him as soon as possible.
   M: Look! There comes Mr. Brown.
   W: Well, let me go over and have a talk with him.
  12. W: Did you enjoy your trip to the riverside?
   M: Yes, very much. I drove there early this morning with my wife and children. When we got to the riverside, it was just eight.
   W: What did you do there?
   M: We sat down by the river and began fishing. We caught two big fish and some small ones. The children were playing happily by the river. We cooked one of the big fishes for lunch and enjoyed our lunch in the open air. In the afternoon, we all went swimming in the river.
   W: When did you come back?
   M: We left the riverside at 3 in the afternoon. We had a happy time.
  13. W: Haven’t seen you for months, Hans!
   M: Oh, Nancy! It’s you! Yes, I’ve just returned from England!
   W: England? For what?
   M: Learning English of course!
   W: I thought you were there traveling or visiting your relatives. Where have you been there?
  M: I mainly stayed in London learning, and traveled to many other cities such as Manchester, Liverpool and so on.
   W: How long have you been in England? For a month?
   M: 6 weeks in fact. I spent 4 weeks studying and 2 weeks traveling.
   W: What was the weather like there? Was it hot like in Wuhan?
   M: Not at all!It was cool there.
   W: I hear it’s always foggy, isn’t it?
   M: Oh, it used to be. When I was there, it was always sunny.
   W: You must have taken many pictures there. Do show them to me next time.
   M: No problem!
   All the students in the fifth grade at Clinton School enjoyed working at “Santa’s Workshop” in the afternoon. “Santa’s Workshop” was a big classroom where the students repaired something for the poor children.
   One day, the students in the fifth grade had an idea. They wanted to do something to help the children who were not so lucky as they were. The students decided to repair broken toys and give them to the poor children. They went all over the town and collected a hundred toys.
   Every afternoon, they worked in their workroom. They cleaned the toys and repaired the broken parts. When the students finished, the toys looked new. Then they gave the toys to the poor children in the streets. The toys made those children very happy.
  Ⅰ. 1~5 BAACB 6~10 BCABA
  11~15 BCAAA 16~20 AAACB
  21~25 ABCAB
  Ⅱ. 26~30 CCCDA 31~35 BBDAC
  36~40 CBDCD
  Ⅲ. 41~45 BCDCA 46~50 BABDD
  51~55 CBADA 56~60 CABDA
  61~65 DCABA
  Ⅳ. 66~70 ABDCA 71~75 BBBCC
  76~80 BDCCB
  Ⅴ. 81. slowed 82. start 83. worried
   84. getting 85. word 86. follow
   87. against 88. order 89. started
   90. full
  Ⅵ. One possible version:
   Our class will have a spring outing tomorrow. All of the students will meet at 7:30 tomorrow morning at the school gate with your own food and drink and go to the Sunshine Farm by bus together.
   Remember to wear your most comfortable shoes because we will walk a long way. And you should also take an umbrella in case it rains.
本期点评名师:阳志飞 男,华中师范大学本科毕业,湖南省隆回县荷田中心学校团总支书。从事初中英语教学工作六年来,所撰写的论文在市、县获奖多次,所教学生在各种考试与竞赛中均名列前茅。曾被评为县优秀团支部书记、县优秀教师、县远程教育先进个人,国家级课题实验区主要负责人。      点评    1. 优点:  该文简单扼要地介绍了感恩节的时间及意义,著重介绍了自己一家人在感恩节那天的一些活动,文章层次分明
周瘦鹃是我国现代杰出的作家、文学翻译家和盆景艺术家,在海内外享有广泛影响力。他1956年加入民进后,在醉心于文学创作和园艺盆景制作的同时,以极大的热情参与人民政协各类活动,为新中国文化建设建言出力,受到了党和国家领导的亲切接见和关怀,谱写了一段中共领导人与党外人士感人的温情故事。  两次见到毛主席  周瘦鹃说:人的一生中,往往有几个毕生难忘的日子。而1959年4月28日和1962年4月15日就是他
摘 要 随着我国科学技术发展的产业越来越迅速,对于职业院校人才的需求已经越来越多了,目前我国的高职院校针对社会需求已经越来越注重培养专业性的人才,目前,我国的化学教学当中存在一些问题,实验设备不完善,学生本身的化学功底就比较差,教学内容单一,为此,我们提出了一系列的解决策略,我们应该制定出完善的教学计划,提升教师的素养,优化教学方法,更新素材,丰富教学内容,提升学生的学习兴趣,以具体理论知识为支撑
摘要 红色教育作为时代精神内涵的象征,旨在对学生进行爱国主义教育和革命传统教育。红色文化的教育与传承是党校思想政治教育的重要内容,对树立广大青年正确的世界观、人生观、价值观有重要作用。弘扬和培育以爱国主义教育为核心的民族精神,就是要深入学习中华民族传统教育和中国革命传统教育。  关键词 红色教育;革命精神;励志前行  我国的红色文化是中国共产党在长期的革命实践当中形成的先进文化,是社会主义先进文化
(满分:120分)    听力部分(共25分)  Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(共三节,满分25分)  第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)  听下面5个问题,每个问题后有3个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。  ()1. A. Yes, I do.   B. Yes, I did.   C. Yes, I
摘 要 在二年级的学生教学阶段中,教师与学生之间的交流互动是非常重要的一个过程。随着历史文化潮流的发展,教育事业也在与时俱进,不断的变革创新。新课标表明,在教学的过程中,必须以学生为主体。因此,在当代教学发展的重点在于师生间的互动环节。  关键词 语文教学 小学二年级 互动  一、引言  在进行二年级的语文教学阶段历程中,为了取得更高效的课堂教学结果,往往需要教师在授课过程中不断地激发学生的兴趣,
◆词汇专练    Ⅰ. 根据句意及所汉语提示,在空格上填上正确的单词。  1. Jim played a _________(小丑) in the play and did a good job.  2. Look! There is a water _________(滑梯). Let’s go and play there.  3. —Can you go to the park with m
摘 要 科技日新月异,时代发展飞速迅猛,各行各业面临着新的挑战和机遇,电力企业的生产管理也进行着全新的改变。企业随市场需求变化而变化,市场的发展推动着企业的发展,电力企业只有不断的完善自身,实现自身个性化的转型,提升企业的服务,才能尽可能地满足客户的需求。电力企业生产运作管理是一个企业的直接表现,是一个企业竞争力的有效保障,也是一个企业获得最大化利润的有效护航。  关键词 电力企业 生产运作 管理
摘要我国保险业正处于快速增长期,而信息时代的到来,允许车险企业可以通过数字化技术更加精准地定制营销和服务方案。本文基于车险公司数据库进行数据挖掘,将Logistic多元回归模型应用在事故率的预测中,获取对事故率影响最大的三个变量,并且提出基于聚类分析和决策树算法的续保率预测模型以进行优化,最终达到提高续保率的效果。  关键词 Logistic多元回归模型;聚类分析;Cart决策树  一、背景与研究
摘要 随着我国建设项目工程造价管理制度的不断完善,工程造价管理包括建设项目工程不同阶段的计价管理,具有显著的全面性。特别是在最近几年中,我国社会经济发展速度变得越来越快,建设项目工程规模呈不断扩大趋势,所以,一定要合理控制建设项目工程的造价。基于此,本文对建设项目工程造价全过程管理的控制要点进行深入研究,具有重要意义。  关键词 建设项目;工程造价全过程管理;控制要点  1.引言  目前,随着我国