Criterion of Criticality for Reactor With External Neutron Source

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:austdqxy
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There is a neutron source with 10~9 s~(-1) neutrons in core of CEFR during start up test and operation ofCEFR. For judging the criticality of reactor with external neutron source and near criticality, it isimportant that the neutron level changes in core with time must be understood after introducing positivereactivity to core with external neutron source. Using the point model and Laplace transform, it isobtained that the neutron level changes in core with time for exchanging from one subcriticality to another There is a neutron source with 10 ~ 9 s ~ (-1) neutrons in core of CEFR during start up test and operation ofCEFR. For judging the criticality of reactor with external neutron source and near criticality, it is implants that the neutron level changes in core with time must be understood after introducing positivereactivity to core with external neutron source. Using the point model and Laplace transform, it isobtained that the neutron level changes in core with time for exchanging from one subcriticality to another
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[摘 要] 职业能力本位视角下,开放教育学生要构建以职业能力为本位的多元化的开放教育学生综合素质评价体系,形成贯穿于开放教育教学全过程的可操作的评价机制,促进学生职业能力全面地发展。  [关 键 词] 职业能力;开放教育;学生评价体系  [中图分类号] G645 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)28-0019-01  职业能力本位视角下,开放教育学生要培养与市场需求
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