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如果您也想加入到健身走的行列中来,那就请您掌握好以下几点: 健身走的速度 (1)慢速:即散步。每分钟70~90步或者更慢些(每小时3~4公里)。 (2)中速:即普通步法。每分钟90~120步(每小时4~4.5公里)。 (3)快速:即快步行走。每分钟120~140步,每小时约5~7公里。对每个人来说,走的速度取决于自己的健康状况,可慢可快,或者采用不快不慢的中速。刚开始健身走时,以慢速为宜,锻炼2周后可采用中速,第4周后可采用快速。每一次健身走最好匀速进行,不要时快时慢或走走停停。健身走的时间为了达到健身的目的,步行的时间以每天60分钟以上为宜,同 If you also want to join the ranks of fitness to walk, then please master the following points: Fitness walking speed (1) slow: that is walking. 70 to 90 minutes per minute or slower (3 to 4 kilometers per hour). (2) medium speed: that is ordinary footwork. 90 ~ 120 steps per minute (4 ~ 4.5 km per hour). (3) fast: that is walking fast. 120 to 140 steps per minute, about 5 to 7 kilometers per hour. For everyone, the speed of walking depends on your health, slowing down, or using unpleasant mid-speed. At the beginning of exercise to go slow, appropriate, exercise 2 weeks after the medium speed can be used after the first 4 weeks can be fast. Every exercise is best to walk at a constant speed, when not fast or slow walk stop and go. Fitness time to walk in order to achieve the purpose of fitness, walking time of more than 60 minutes per day is appropriate, with
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