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这个女人是和母亲一起跳舞的伙伴,比母亲大一岁,俩人好得亲姐妹似的,我就管她叫姨妈。以前也就是礼貌性的一种称呼,可从她当上村小组长后,她的所作所为让我觉得,“姨妈”这两个字那是发自肺腑的一种尊称。姨妈被选为村小组长那是她自己想不到的,更是姨父想不到的事儿。平日姨妈唱唱跳跳,组建个文艺队,那是几个老娘们的事儿,姨父不干涉,可如今当选村小组长,就不再是几个老娘们那么简单的事儿,姨父开始干涉了。 The woman is a dancing partner with her mother, one year older than her mother, and the two are so siblings that I call her aunt. In the past it was also a polite expression of what she had done since she became a village leader. “Auntie” is a respectable epithet. Aunt was elected village head that she did not think of it, it is unclear thing that my uncle can not think. Aunt Aunt Weekly singing and dancing, the formation of a literary team, it is a matter of a few older women, uncle does not interfere, but now elected village leader, is no longer a few simple things that old woman, uncle began interfering.
大清早,小张到单位上班,一进公司大院,见墙上贴着一张红纸,几个员工围在那里,正议论着什么。  “上面写的是啥?”高度近视的小张走过去,扶了扶眼镜,瞅着上面较小的字迹,向一旁的小李打听。  小李说 :“为提高员工业务技能,公司决定举办一次全员参与的闭卷式业务技能知识竞赛,对考分前十名的优秀员工,将给予5000到10,000元的不同奖励。”  “哦!”小张听后暗暗笑了,毕竟自己是科里公认的技术尖子,看
1.他的叔叔是个盲人。His uncle is blind./Hisuncle is a blind man. 2.格林太太是个瘸子。Mrs Green is lame./MrsGreen is a lame woman. 1. His uncle is blind. His u
Boy Girl(Boy’s little sister)Ice Sun Cloud WindHill Mouse Snake Eagle FireTime: Early in the morning on a winter day.Place: A field at the foot of a hill.(Ice
1、It’s nice and cool under the tree.误:树下又好又凉爽正:树下非常凉爽。析:“nice(good,fine)+and+形容词”是一个 1. It’s nice and cool under the tree. Wrong:
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1、Vocabulary:先生 xiān sheng mister; Mr; Sir; gentleman 女士 nǚ shì madam; lady; Ms 小姐 xiǎo jiě miss; young lady 夫人 fū rén Mrs.; madame; lady 1. M
嫩江县铁西学校是2004年9月由原齐铁分局嫩江铁路中学、嫩江铁路小学合并后移交嫩江县人民政府的 The Tiexi County Tiexi School was transferred to the Nenjiang County
“当中国的光伏发电成本降到每度电2元以下时,中国政府很可能会介入,再加上中国西北地区孕育着的巨大的光能资源,中国的太阳能电池市场在2010年后会有一个跳跃的过程。” “