暴一代·一生有你 姚明VS斯塔德迈尔

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有些人注定不是朋友,这是命运。 姚明、斯塔德迈尔,三年前,这是两个在新秀排行 榜上始终纠缠不清的名字,而现在这样的纠缠还在继续, 或许跟随他们一生。 “天空才是极限!”带着父亲临终时留给他的这句 话,高中毕业就进入NBA太阳队的斯塔德迈尔,摆脱过 去苦难的日子,如今正展翅高飞!太阳在拉进上赛季小 牛队控卫纳什后,全队改头换面,斯塔德迈尔的战斗力 也得到发挥,赛季初的表现,比起2002年赢得新人王时 更为出色,同样是高中毕业就进入NBA,他虽不像詹姆 斯光环罩顶,但前景也是一片光明。 与姚明与奥尼尔的对抗一样,姚明与斯塔德迈尔的 每一次交手都十分引人注目。而与“姚鲨之战”不一样 的是,“姚斯之战”更像是对决,两个同年新秀注定要在 赛季终的排行榜上分出高下。姚明与斯塔德迈尔有许多相 似之处。当年两人都是新秀中的楚翘,在各自队中也建 立起了无法替代的地位,姚明已经成为火箭的核心,而 太阳的胜负也不再只系于纳什或马里昂之身,斯塔德迈 Some people are not destined to be friends, this is fate. Yao Ming and Amare Stoudemire, three years ago, were two of the most entangled names on the rookie charts, and now the struggle continues, perhaps following them all their lives. “The sky is the limit! ” With his father’s death at the end of his sentence, after graduating from high school into the NBA Suns Stoudemire, get rid of the days of past misery, and now are flying! The Suns pulled into the Mavericks point guard Nash last season, the team make a difference, Stoudemire’s combat effectiveness has also been played early in the performance of the season than in 2002 to win the new king even better, the same high school graduation to enter NBA, although he does not like James halo top, but the prospects are bright. Like Yao Ming and O’Neal’s confrontation, Yao Ming and Amare Stoudemire every fight is very striking. And “Yao shark war ” is not the same, “Yao Si war ” is more like a showdown, two rookie of the same year is doomed to the end of the season standings stand out. Yao Ming and Stoudemire have many similarities. Both were rookies Chu Qiao, in their respective teams have also established an irreplaceable status, Yao Ming has become the core of the rocket, and the sun is no longer tied only to the outcome of the Nash or Marion body, Sri Lanka Tad Mai
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