杜婧 “准教练”初体验

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在辽宁锦州举行的2012年全国羽毛球锦标赛单项赛的看台上,一个人的出现引起了大家的关注,她就是奥运会女双冠军杜婧。一头向上翘着的惹眼的金色头发,一件宽大的带着骷髅图案的黑色外套,杜婧的打扮显得张扬而又个性。加上在赛场上打拼多年磨练出的那股气质,在年轻队员为主的看台上,她显得鹤立鸡群。 At the 2012 National Badminton Championships standings held in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, the presence of one person aroused everyone’s attention. She is the Olympic doubles champion Du Jing. An upturned eye-catching blond hair, a large black jacket with a skull pattern, Du Jing’s dress appears publicity and personality. Coupled with the temperament that she has worked hard on for many years in the arena, she stands out in the stands where young players are the main players.
In order to explore the classification and factors of errors and to reduce the occurrence of errors,it is necessary to take an investigation and to make error a
  目的 探讨临床药师在药品不良反应防治与监测工作中的切入点,以及如何发挥临床药师的作用。方法 临床药师实施对ADR的全程监测,并对其进行有效干预。结论 临床药师参与ADR