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时间顺序先出现的事物就先写。有些人往往忽略从头下笔、顺序结尾这种写法的好处。譬如描写飞行原理,以莱特弟兄制造的第一架构造简单的飞机开头,要比详述设计复杂的波音747型喷气式客机容易得多。运用时间顺序写法,经常吸引着读者往下看,以了解后事如何。这种写法用于知识性稿件中也是可取的。由简及繁这种文章组织法与教师授课计划相似,要考虑到学生(即读者)的接受水平。开始时要使学生听 Things first appear in the order of time to write first. Some people tend to overlook the benefits of writing from the ground up and ending in descending order. For example, describing the principle of flight begins with the first simple-built aircraft made by Brother Wright, rather than detailing the more complexly designed Boeing 747 jetliner. The use of chronological wording, often to attract readers looking down to understand what happened. It is also advisable to use this style of writing in knowledge-based manuscripts. By simplifying and simplifying this article, the Constitution is similar to a teacher’s teaching plan, taking into account the acceptability of the student (that is, the reader). At first, students should listen
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Time series measurements were conducted on suspended sediment and current velocity from neap tide to spring tide in the South Branch of the upper Changjiang Est
Abundant evidences of higher sea levels from Jiangsu and Fujian coasts have proved a marine transgression event during 30–40 ka BP, suggesting that there was a