退役干部(主要指转业干部)的住房,一直是困挠军队干部住房的一个难点。这个问题不解决,难以鼓励军队干部安心服役,也不可能解决他们的后顾之忧。这次军队住房公积金管理暂行规定的颁发,体现了党和国家对军队干部切身利益的关心,是解决军队干部后顾之忧,增强凝聚力的重大举措。 总后勤部颁发的《军队住房公积金管理暂行规定》以下简称《规定》,对住房公积金的意义,享受公积金人员的范围,公积金的来源与归集,公积金的支取,公积金的标准,公积金的贷用,都作了明确规定。 实行公积金人员的范围:军官、文职干部、在编职工、由军队供应的在各级人大、政协等机构任职的干部;军士长、专业军士;机关和事业单位的编外正式职工;离退休人员中自愿实行公积金者。经组织批准的离退休人员,由本人在离退休时,根据个人意愿确定是否继续参加公积金存储。按标准价购买了军产住房的人员,不再参加公积金存储。在见习期间的大、中专院校毕业生,在军队没有工资关系的人员不参加公积金存储。
The housing of retired cadres (mainly referred to as demobilized cadres) has been a difficult task for the military cadres who have beset the housing. If this issue is not resolved, it will be hard to encourage military cadres to serve with ease, nor will they be able to solve their worries. The issuance of the interim Provisions on Housing Fund Management reflects the concern of the party and the state over the vital interests of the army cadres and is a major move to solve the military cadres’ worries and enhance cohesion. The “Provisional Regulations on Management of Housing Fund for Military Housing” issued by the General Logistics Department referred to the “Regulations” as follows. The significance of housing provident funds, the scope of the employees, the source and collection of provident funds, the withdrawal of provident funds, the standard of provident funds, , Have made a clear provision. The scope of CPF staff: officers, civilian cadres, staff in preparation, by the army at all levels of the NPC, the CPPCC and other agencies serving cadres; sergeant chiefs, professional sergeants; organs and institutions of non-regular staff; retirees Voluntary pension fund. Retired personnel approved by the organization, from the retirement, according to their own personal will determine whether to continue to participate in the accumulation fund. People who purchased military housing at the standard price no longer participate in the provident fund storage. During the internship, graduates of large and secondary schools, the staff members without payroll in the army do not participate in the accumulation fund.