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去年12月6日客场对克拉斯诺达尔是本田圭佑最后一场俄超比赛,出入意料的是,第37分钟他即被主帅斯卢茨基换下。作为落幕战,作为球队的前场核心,半场不到被换下实属罕见,用破天荒来形容也丝毫不为过。这着实令人尬尴。本田下场时,不满情绪溢于言表,他低着头从教练身边走过,两人没有任何目光上的交流。此役克拉斯诺达尔1:0小胜陆军,爆了一个不大不小的冷门。而本田中途被换下这一情节,大多数媒体并未着力渲染,因为在他们看来,这再正常不过了。正如俄罗斯国少队主教练、前陆军队中场霍姆哈所言:本田的心早就不在这了。本田圭佑,这个名字出现在俄罗斯人 December 6 last year away to Krasnodar Keisuke Honda last Russian super game, surprisingly, the first 37 minutes he was replaced by coach Sloutski. As the final battle, as the frontcourt of the team’s core, less than half of the time being replaced is really rare, described as unprecedented use of it is not an exaggeration. This is really embarrassing. Honda end, the dissatisfaction over the rhetoric, he bowed his head down from the coach around, the two did not have any eye contact. This campaign Krasnodar 1-0 victory over the Army, burst a modest upset. And Honda was replaced this midway, most of the media did not focus on rendering, because in their view, this is normal. As Russia’s junior coach, the Forces midfielder Holmha said: Honda’s heart already not here. Honda Keisuke, the name appears in the Russians
In 2002, the accelerating tube has been up-graded for HI-13 tandem accelerator The terminal voltageof the machine has reached 15 MV and some physics experiment
【据核信息服务网站2002年 2月9日报道】 荷兰环境部长和欧洲委员会共同要求关闭位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹北部的Petten研究堆。这个要求是在压力容器出现裂缝以后提出的,裂缝自该
A common problem in high voltage technique is the breakdown of insulator due to surfacecontamination with conducting material. For example, the metal ion is tr
序号会议名称、时间及地点报告题目报告人China一Germany Syn1Posium onHigh一Intensity Lasersin ShanghaiSePtember 16一18,2002The Performanee of“Heaven一I,,E淦F lase
The first ~(41)Ca AMS measurement was performed with HI-13 tandem AMS system in the CIAE. At present, the basic method has been established. By using a ~(41)Ca
The root-mean-square (rms) radius of the valence particle in the orbit (n, l, j) can be written as thecontributions from the interior and asymptotic regions,