
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch012
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哈尔滨市中级人民法院和齐齐哈尔市龙沙区人民法院的两个调查报告,运用确凿的材料,说明了近几年来青少年犯罪已经到了十分严重的地步。因此,在党委领导下,全党动手,依靠群众,教育、感化、改造、挽救失足青少年,减少和防止青少年犯罪,已经成为综合治理社会治安的一项十分重要的措施,也是关系到国家和民族前途的一项十分迫切的战略任务。人民法院在这项综合治理工作中,负有重要的责任和作用。其一,对极少数犯有杀人、抢劫、强奸、爆炸、放火等重大罪行,严重危害社会治安的青少年,要坚决依法惩办,同时要认真执行刑法中关于少年犯罪的规定。其二,配合工厂,学校、商店、机关,采取多种形式,对广大青少年进行法制教育,使他们懂得怎样做是守法,怎样做是犯法,增强法制观念,养成守法习惯。其三,配合有关单位,对有违法行为的青少年耐心进行教育,引导他们改邪归正。其四,对已经判处的青、少年犯罪案件进行总结,分析青少年犯罪的特点和原因,研究预防措施,向党委提出建议。此外,各地法院同志如在实践中继续总结、创造出好经验、好办法,可以通过本刊交流经验。这样,对于人民法院在预防和减少青少年犯罪工作中发挥积极作用,是有益的。 The two investigation reports of Harbin Intermediate People’s Court and Longsheng District People’s Court of Qiqihar City use conclusive materials to prove that juvenile delinquency has reached a very serious level in recent years. Therefore, under the leadership of the party committees and leaders, the entire party has become a very important measure for the comprehensive management of social order by relying on the masses, education, probation, transformation, rescuing young and adolescent victims, and reducing and preventing juvenile delinquency. It is also a matter of great concern to the nation and nation A very urgent strategic task for the future. The people’s court has an important responsibility and role in this comprehensive management. First, we must resolutely punish young people who commit major crimes of murder, robbery, rape, explosion and arson and seriously endanger public security. We must also earnestly implement the provisions of the criminal law on juvenile delinquency. Second, cooperate with factories, schools, shops and agencies in various forms to educate the broad masses of young people on the rule of law so that they understand how to do compliance with laws and regulations and how to act as a violation of laws and enhance the concept of legal system so as to form a habit of abiding by the law. Third, cooperate with relevant agencies to educate the young people who have committed illegal activities patiently and guide them to correct their mistakes. Fourth, it summarizes the cases of juvenile delinquency that have been sentenced, analyzes the characteristics and causes of juvenile delinquency, and studies preventive measures to make recommendations to Party committees. In addition, if the court comrades in various places continue to summarize in practice, they will create good experiences and good solutions and exchange experiences through their own publications. In this way, it is beneficial for the people’s courts to play an active role in preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency.
形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式,每一种形式的确定与修饰状况、被比较者数目和语境逻辑有密切联系。 Adjectives and adverbs have three forms: original lev
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