本期健康策划——冬季养生(之一) 二十四节气养生谈之立冬、小雪

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立冬节气及其养生要点立冬是本年度第十九个节气,每年阳历的11月7日或8日,太阳到达黄经225°时,“立冬”节气开始。今年“立冬”到来的精确时间为:11月7日14时13分52秒。自古以来,中国民间就习惯以“立冬”作为冬季的开始。《月令七十二候集解》说:“立,建始也。”又说:“冬,终也,万物收藏也。”这时北方冷空气也已具有较强的势力,常频频南侵,有时形成大风、降温并伴有雨雪的寒潮天气。从多年的平均状况看,11月是寒潮出现最多的月份。剧烈的降温,特别是冷暖异常的天气对人们的生活、健康以及农业生产均有严重的不 Winter weather and health points of winter legislation is the 19th solar term of the year, the annual solar calendar on November 7 or 8, the sun reaches the Yellow Skeleton by 225 °, “the beginning of winter” solar terms began. This year “winter ” arrival of the exact time: at 14:13 on November 7 52 seconds. Since ancient times, Chinese folk have accustomed to “winter ” as the beginning of winter. “The septuagenarian sectarian sectarian solution” said: “At the beginning of the establishment of. ” Also said: “Winter, finally, all things also. ” At this time the northern cold air also has a stronger force, Often southward invasion, and sometimes the formation of strong winds, cooling and accompanied by rain and snow cold wave of weather. In terms of years of average conditions, November is the month in which the highest frequency of cold spells occurs. Severe cooling, especially the abnormal cold weather people’s lives, health and agricultural production are serious not
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