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《补义奶义》是侗族大歌中的“叙事大歌”。相传是清代侗族文人、侗戏鼻祖吴文彩创作的。吴文彩(1798-1845年),侗族,贵州黎平县茅贡乡腊洞村人。他自幼聪敏,勤奋好学,少年读私塾7年,因家境艰难,遂休学务农。从青年时代起,喜爱编著侗歌,所编的歌甚多。至今流传的有历史歌《开天辟地》、《吴家祖宗》、《历代皇朝》和劝世歌《酒色财气》、《乡老贪官》等。《补义奶义》通过对一对恩爱夫妻生死离别的细腻描述,讴歌了补义奶义忠于爱情的高贵品质,表达了民间朴素的生死观,情节曲折,感人至深。 “Supplementary meaning milk” is the Dongzutaige “ narrative song ”. Legend has it that in the Qing Dynasty Dong writers, Dong opera originator Wu Wensai creation. Wu Wencai (1798 - 1845), Dong, Luping County, Guizhou Province Leong Village Mochong people. He was young and clever, studious, young read private school for seven years, due to difficult circumstances, then suspended school agriculture. Since the young age, I love to edit Dong Songs, and I have edited many songs. The historical songs that have hitherto been disseminated include “Creation of the World”, “Wu Family”, “Dynasty dynasties” “Supplementary Yisuyi” passed a delicate description of the life and death of a loving couple, sang the noble qualities of the loyalty to love and the expression of the simple concept of life and death of the people, with plot twists and turns, touching.
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目的 探讨后顶叶的空间注意功能.方法 使用跨颅骨磁刺激仪(TMS)干扰后顶叶的活动,观察被试在Conjunction作业中反应时间的变化.结果 使用TMS干扰后顶叶的活动时,初试的被试反应时间明显增加,但是非初试被试的反应时间没有变化.结论 后顶叶的作用不是记忆,而是注意.
【正】 本品包括亚麻籽车前 Plantago psyllium L.或印度车前 P.indica L.(亦称法车前 P.arenariaWaldstein et Kitaibel)或卵叶车前 P.ovata Forskal的干净、干燥、成熟的种
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