Comprehensive compressive-tensile strength criterion for intact rock

来源 :Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FreeDom_BBQ
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This paper presents a strength criterion for intact rock,which can well describe triaxial test data under compressive or tensile stress state.The proposed criterion is defined in terms of three parameters.One parameter expresses the apparent unconfined compressive strength(AUCS),obtained from the Coulomb-Mohr criterion,as a regulated unconfined compressive strength(RUCS).Two other parameters,and,are material-dependent that can be determined by regression analysis.The proposed criterion is compared with selected applicable strength criteria separately for compressive and tensile strengths.Coefficient of determination and accordance coefficient are considered in comparisons between the proposed and selected strength criteria. This paper presents a strength criterion for intact rock, which can well describe triaxial test data under compressive or tensile stress state. The proposed criterion is defined in terms of three parameters. One parameter expresses the apparent unconfined compressive strength (AUCS), obtained from the Coulomb-Mohr criterion, as a regulated unconfined compressive strength (RUCS). Two other parameters, and, are material-dependent that can be determined by regression analysis. Proposed criterion is compared with selected applicable strength criteria separately for compressive and tensile strengths. Coefficient of determination and accordance coefficient are considered in comparisons between the proposed and selected strength criteria.
目的 了解威海地区无偿献血者血液检测结果不合格情况,以便针对性采取措施,降低血液报废率,节约宝贵的血液资源.方法 对2009 ~2011年间100095人次无偿献血者血液标本的检测结
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