On the Late Hydrothermal Tungsten Deposits of Haiyangshan Mountain, Kuangsi

来源 :中国地质学会志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maming821023
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INTRODUCTIONThe Haiyangshan Mountain trending in the NNE-SSW direction is situated between the Hsiangan and Kuanyang cites in NE Kuangsi. The principal mines are located on the E slope at about 200 m above Sanyutsun, a village nearly 25 km NW of Kuanyang. The tungsten mineralization in the region is confined chiefly to the quartz veins which were formed by the ore-bearing solutions along the fractures in the granodiorite shortly after its consolidation. INTRODUCTIONThe Haiyangshan Mountain trending in the NNE-SSW direction is situated between the Hsiangan and Kuanyang cites in NE Kuangsi. The principal mines are located on the E slope at about 200 m above Sanyutsun, a village nearly 25 km NW of Kuanyang. The tungsten mineralization in the region is confined chiefly to the quartz veins which were formed by the ore-bearing solutions along the fractures in the granodiorite shortly after its consolidation.
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改革我国传统的教育体制与教学模式以适应现代市场经济发展的要求已成为客观必然。以会计专业的教学改革为立足点 ,探讨在教学会计专业理论的同时 ,开展校内模拟实习的必要性
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