细胸金针虫(Agriotes fusicollis Miwa)在陕西武功地区为两年一代,也有一年或3—4年完成一代者,此为世代上的多态现象(Polymorphism)。成幼虫在土中越冬,成虫3月出蛰,4月盛发,6月上旬终见。雌虫产卵于土中,卵期为13—38天。成虫啮食小麦等植物叶肉,残留叶脉,作补充营养;昼伏夜出,有强叩头能力和伪死性;趋光性很弱。雌雄虫平均寿命分别为285天、263天。翌夏越冬幼虫在地下20—30厘米处营土室化蛹。幼虫期平均451天,蛹期8—22天;羽化成虫潜伏土室中翌春出蛰。5月曝卵于阳光下,30分钟死亡。用七种粉刺农药制成的毒土,杀卵、初孵幼虫和老龄幼虫效果良好;用六种液剂农药拌小麦种子,防治幼虫具较好效果,溴氰菊酯效果则不稳定。大田用1605、奎硫磷、甲基异柳磷等拌小麦种子的播种量之半,防效同于药剂拌全播量麦种。六六六、DDT、1605、西维因、乐果等粉剂和1605、奎硫磷、辛硫磷、敌敌畏、甲基异柳磷等液剂农药对防治成虫均有卓效。秋播前深耕有较好灭虫作用。成虫盛发期在田间堆置鲜草小堆,诱捕效果具佳。成虫天敌主要是步行(虫甲)和蟾蜍。
The Agriotes fusicollis Miwa is a two-year generation in the Wugong region of Shaanxi Province, with one or three to four years to complete. It is the Polymorphism of the generation. Into the larvae overwintering in the soil, adults sting out in March, April Shengfa, the end of June early see. Female spawning in the soil, the egg period is 13-38 days. Adults eat wheat and other plant leaf mesophyll, leaves the veins, for nutritional supplements; nocturnal, strong kowtow ability and falsification; phototropism is very weak. The average male and female life expectancy were 285 days, 263 days. The next summer, larvae in the ground 20-30 cm camp soil pupation. An average of 451 days larvae, pupal stage 8-22 days; emergence of latent earthworms in the spring next spring sting. May exposure to sunlight, 30 minutes of death. The poisonous soil made with seven kinds of acne pesticides has good effect of killing eggs, newly hatched larvae and aged larvae. Mixing wheat seeds with six liquid pesticides to control larvae has a good effect and the effect of deltamethrin is not stable. Daejeon with 1605, quetiapine, methyl isophthalon and other mixed wheat seed sowing half, the same effect with the agent mixed with the whole sowing wheat. 666, DDT, 1605, Cibitamins, dimethoate and other powder and 1605, Quetiapine, phoxim, dichlorvos, methyl isofenphos and other liquid pesticides on the prevention and control of adults are Zhuozhuo. Plow before autumn sowing better pest control role. Adult vigorous stacking of fresh grass in the field a small pile, trapping effect is good. Adult predators are mainly walking (insect) and toad.