
来源 :复合材料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wushupei
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采用复合材料电热实验机,对碳纤维/环氧树脂基复合材料(CF/EP)试样进行通电处理,同时测试其表面温度变化,并得出电阻率随温度的变化规律。对通电后的试样进行吸湿处理,获取扩散系数、饱和吸湿率与通电电流之间的关系,之后通过FTIR、弯曲性能测试以及弯曲断口的表面形貌分析研究了通电对试样吸湿行为的影响。结果表明:通电电流强度越大,CF/EP试样表面平衡温度越高,随着温度升高电阻率呈下降趋势;经4 A(ρ=66.8mA·mm~(-2))电流处理的试样,其扩散系数、饱和吸湿率均低于未处理试样,经5A(ρ=83.6mA·mm~(-2))、6A(ρ=100.2mA·mm~(-2))电流处理后,扩散系数及饱和吸湿率均高于未处理试样;小电流处理时,界面性能得到改善,提高弯曲强度,大电流处理对界面有一定损伤,降低弯曲强度,电热/湿作用下,CF/EP试样的弯曲强度下降,下降幅度与吸湿量呈正相关。 The carbon / epoxy composite (CF / EP) samples were electroplated with a composite electric heating machine and the surface temperature was tested. The variation of resistivity with temperature was obtained. The moisture absorption of the samples after moisture absorption, the diffusion coefficient, the saturated moisture absorption rate and the relationship between the current, and then by FTIR, bending performance test and the surface morphology of curved fracture analysis of the power on the sample moisture absorption behavior . The results show that the resistivity decreases with the increase of temperature when the current density increases and the surface equilibrium temperature of CF / EP increases. With 4 A (ρ = 66.8mA · mm -2) current treatment The diffusion coefficient and saturated moisture absorption of the sample were lower than that of the untreated sample. The samples were characterized by 5A (ρ = 83.6mA · mm -2) and 6A (ρ = 100.2mA · mm -2) The diffusion coefficient and the saturated moisture absorption rate are higher than those of the untreated sample. At the time of small current treatment, the interfacial properties are improved, the bending strength is improved, the interfacial damage is caused by the high current treatment, and the bending strength is reduced. Under the effect of electrothermal / wetting, CF / EP sample bending strength decreased, the rate of decrease was positively correlated with the amount of moisture absorption.
中文名:紫金龙本品为罂粟科紫金龙属植物紫金龙Dactylicapnos scandens(D.Don)Huthchins.的根。多年生草质藤本;根木质,圆柱形;茎有纵沟,多分枝;叶片三回三出复叶,小叶卵形;