
来源 :应用昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilyzhanglove
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【目的】油茶新造林特别是纯林不断骤增导致油茶林害虫发生日趋严重,食用茶油安全倍受威胁。为探索有效控制油茶林害虫发生的途径,保护分解者跳虫等土壤节肢动物多样性。【方法】基于Tullgren干漏斗法和巴氏罐法,对半垦复油茶幼林、全垦复油茶幼林、全垦复油茶成林和未垦复油茶成林4种不同油茶林的20个土样和15个凋落物样中的土壤跳虫和土壤其他节肢动物多样性特征进行了研究。【结果】共分离出跳虫315头,隶属6科8属;其他土壤节肢动物11科17种295头。多样性分析结果表明,油茶成林地比幼林地土壤动物的多样性指数高,多样化的地被物有利于提高土壤动物的多样性,垦复和施肥等人为干扰显著地降低土壤跳虫的多样性,却有利于增加罐诱土壤动物的多样性,水源是土壤动物生存的关键因子,对林地跳虫和罐诱动物的多样性提高有显著促进作用。【结论】探明了不同垦复类型油茶林土壤跳虫和土壤其他罐诱节肢动物多样性特征,对合理开展油茶林垦复,发挥油茶林土壤跳虫和土壤节肢动物分解功能提供了科学依据。 【Objective】 The new afforestation of Camellia, especially the continuous increase of pure forest, led to the increasingly serious occurrence of pests in Camellia oleifera forest and threatened the safety of edible tea oil. In order to explore ways to effectively control the occurrence of pests in Camellia oleifera forest and to protect the diversity of soil arthropods such as decomposers. 【Method】 Based on Tullgren dry funnel method and Pasteur can method, 20 soil samples from four different Camellia oleifera cultivated in Camellia oleifera young plantation, Full cultivated plantain Camellia young plantation, And 15 litter-like soil migratory insects and other arthropod diversity in the soil were studied. 【Result】 A total of 315 deworming insects were isolated, belonging to 6 genera and 8 genera. There were 295 other 11 families and 17 species of soil arthropods. The results of diversity analysis showed that Camellia oleifera forest land had higher diversity index than soil animal in young forest land. The diversified ground cover was conducive to increasing the diversity of soil animal. Man-made interference such as reclamation and fertilization significantly reduced the diversity of soil spring steppe However, it is beneficial to increase the diversity of soil animal in pot-luring soil. Water is the key factor for the survival of soil animals, and has a significant promotion on the diversity of wood-eating hoppers and canisters. 【Conclusion】 The results showed that the diversity of arthropod species was induced by soil spring steppe and other pots in different cultivated types of Camellia oleifera forest, which provided a scientific basis for rational development of reclamation of Camellia oleifera and soil decomposition of arthropod .
谷氨酸废水中谷氨酸含量在2 g/L左右,同时含有大量的铵盐,pH值在3.5左右,试验主要研究谷氨酸废水在多聚谷氨酸中应用的可行性。通过单因素试验,得到最佳的处理条件是使用酸性
牛结核病(bovine tuberculosis)是一种人畜共患的慢性传染病,该病的传播流行直接影响着畜牧业生产发展和人类身体健康。要消灭和有效控制牛结核病,就要对该病进行准确的检测。