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职业中学农学类专业基础课《农业气象》的“土壤温度与空气温度”一章中,讲叙了空气的绝热变化概念,绝热过程,干绝热直减率,湿绝热直减率等内容。在教学实践中,有一个问题始终索绕在我的心头,这就是:湿绝热直减率随着外界环境的气温和气压的不同而变化,气温越低,气压越高,其数值越大,平均值取0.5℃/100米。本文就这个问题提出自己的看法。我认为:湿空气块的绝热直减率不是随环境的气温和气压的不同而变化;而是随空气块本身的气温和气压的不同而变化,气压越高,气温越低,其数值越大,因为:1.空气的绝热变化是指空气在绝热过程中所产生的温度变化,而绝热过程是大块空气在运动变化过程中,既不从外界环境取得热量、也不把热量传递给外界环境。由此看出,外界环境气温的高低,应与绝热变化无关。 Occupation Middle School agronomy specialized basic course “agricultural weather” “soil temperature and air temperature ” chapter, narrated the concept of adiabatic air changes, adiabatic process, dry adiabatic rate, wet adiabatic rate of decline and so on. In teaching practice, there is a problem that always surrounds my heart, which is: The rate of wet adiabatic change with the external environment temperature and pressure changes, the lower the temperature, the higher the pressure, the greater the value, The average value of 0.5 ℃ / 100 meters. This article put forward my own views on this issue. I think: the wet air block adiabatic rate does not change with the ambient temperature and pressure changes; but with the air block itself temperature and pressure changes, the higher the pressure, the lower the temperature, the greater its value , Because: 1. Air adiabatic change refers to the air produced in the adiabatic process temperature changes, and adiabatic process is a large air movement in the process of change, neither from the outside environment to obtain heat, nor the heat transmitted to the outside world surroundings. From this we can see that the level of external ambient air temperature should have nothing to do with the adiabatic change.
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