Teaching Graduate Non-English Majors

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Foreigners teaching English in China routinely find themselves in odd situa-tions. One of the oddest, at least for the newcomer, is being thrust into a room packed ceiling-to-floor with every major under the sun, except English, and being expected to make said group conversant in the missing language. Even at a glance, this setup is screwy for One of the oddest, at least for the newcomer, is being axial into a room packed ceiling-to-floor with every major under the sun, except English, and standing being. To make said group conversant in the missing language. Even at a glance, this setup is screwy for
The sovereign credit crisis refers to the specter of sovereign debt defaults.Statistics show sovereign debts have totaled more than $35 trillion worldwide.
【摘要】供应链整合涉及实体供应链和金融供应链,本文站在供应方和采购方的角度,从供应链协调性、买卖双方合作、信息共享和信息透明度四个方面研究了银行在供应链整合中的作用。  【关键词】供应链整合金融供应链  一、引言  随着供应链复杂度的提升,供应链金融受到越来越多的关注,买卖双方希望借此寻求提升企业资本利用率的机会。供应链整合的关键在于将资金流、实物流和信息流三者进行系统整合,银行在这个过程中扮演重
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After the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province in May 2008.a primary school funded by a tobacco company was set up in the quake-stricken area.On the roof of