
来源 :中国水土保持科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomb
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以京承高速公路(三期)边坡常见植物为研究对象,通过全挖法,调查研究华北土石山区公路边坡常见植物根系地下分布特征。结果表明:1)木本植物根系的总根长和总干质量远远大于草本植物;2)在不同土层,随着地下深度的加深,木本植物的根长和根干质量所占比例逐渐降低,而草本植物沙打旺和紫花苜蓿的则逐渐升高,草本植物高羊茅的根系集中分布在垂直坡面的地下10 cm范围内;3)植物总根长的比较结果为胡枝子>刺槐>紫穗槐,高羊茅>沙打旺>紫花苜蓿;木本植物刺槐和紫穗槐以粗根的根长比例最大,胡枝子细根的根长比例最大,草本植物紫花苜蓿和沙打旺粗根的根长比例最大,高羊茅细根的根长比例最大;4)随着地下深度的加深,刺槐、紫穗槐、紫花苜蓿和沙打旺的主根与边坡夹角逐渐变小,最终贴着岩面顺势向下生长,遇到岩面后会改变其生长方向或扎入岩缝生长;5)高羊茅须根与边坡的夹角约为10°,基本为沿着坡面向下生长,胡枝子无明显主根,地下分布深度较浅,以茎干为中心向坡面四周延伸。 Taking Jingchuang Expressway (Phase Ⅲ) common slopes as the research object, the underground distribution characteristics of common plant roots in highway slope in North China were investigated through full digging method. The results showed that: 1) the total root length and total dry weight of the root system of woody plants were much larger than that of the herbaceous plants; 2) in different soil layers, the root length and root dry weight proportion of woody plants increased with the deepening of underground depth And the herbaceous plants of Astragalus adsurgens and alfalfa gradually increased. The roots of herbaceous tall fescue were concentrated in the subsurface of the vertical slope within 10 cm. 3) The comparison of the total root length of the plants was Lespedeza > Robinia pseudoacacia> Amorpha fruticosa> Festuca arundinacea> Astragalus adsurgens> alfalfa; the woody plants Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha fruticosa have the largest proportion of the root length of the coarse roots, the largest proportion of the roots of the Lespedeza macrostachya roots, and the herbaceous alfalfa and the sand The root length of the rough root is the largest, and the root length of the fine root of tall fescue is the largest. 4) With the deepening of the depth of the ground, the angle between the main root and the slope of Robinia pseudoacacia, Amorpha fruticosa, alfalfa and Astragalus adsurgens changes gradually Small, eventually down the rock face down to grow down, met the rock face will change its growth direction or into the rock growth; 5) tall fescue fibrous roots and the slope angle of about 10 °, basically along Slope downward growth, Lespedeza no obvious root, the depth of the underground distribution shallow, with the stem as the center to the slope around Stretch.
<正> 硒与大骨节病(KBD)关系研究始于1972、1973年。当时在用KBD病区水粮养大鼠的实验中,意外地出现了许多大鼠(39.71%)死于急性大片肝坏死;追查原因时注意检测了所用水粮的硒
【正】 健身俱乐部的会员聘请私人教练的现象越来越普遍,这是因为大众对于私人教练的认识逐渐提高,相信私人教练能够帮助他们达到目标。会员有了私人教练的专业指导,不仅能够
【正】 "当你爱一个人,让他去做健身俱乐部;当你恨一个人,也让他去做健身俱乐部。"这句话虽是玩笑,但亦透露着无奈——健身市场越来越不好做了。
【正】 鱼和熊掌要兼得在大家的印象里,出生在一个书香门第家庭里的我,一定是一个弱不禁风、手无缚鸡之力的书呆子。但是东北的白山黑水却赋予了我豁达、直率和爽朗的性格。