保卫解百纳:法律战? 政治战?

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自国家商评委5月底裁定解百纳归张裕以来,引发了这个行业空前的震荡,各界人士议论纷纷,一时间沸沸扬扬,在他们致电本刊时,或是慷慨激昂,或是语重心长,或是忧心忡忡,或是幸灾乐祸,并有相当的人发表了激烈的讲话后,记者请其审阅时,又表示收回,不敢发表。多家企业更是不断提供新的资料,或传真、或邮件、或电话,弄得《中国酒》编辑部是热闹空前。更有多名经销商打来电话,“这事闹得我现在都不敢进货了,多少进点,能续上溜就行,不知道什么时候这个货就砸手里了。”更有甚者,一些经销商在致电本刊时明确表示:“在没有尘埃落定之前,我们就不做解百纳了”。此事引发的速度之快,波及面之广,在葡萄酒界前所未有。并且此事每天还在不断升级,我们每天都能收到新的情报。应葡萄酒界各方之要求,为此,本刊派出了特别采访组,对行业各界人士——政府官员、协会领导、法律界人士、经销商、企业、专家、学者、外国葡萄酒界人士等进行了全面采访。立图给行业一个全景式的展现。随着采访的深入,据消息灵通人士透露:双方都在组建庞大的律师团;更有人说:此事已被提升至政治层面,明里暗里都在活动,明里,律师在收集各种证据;暗里,各级领导已经出面,有市级领导,有省级领导,有部级领导,牵涉面之广,活动范围之深,大大超出人之预想,本来以为是一场法律战,但很可能升级成一场政治战。 Since the State Commercial and Trade Commission decided at the end of May Cabernet returned to Changyu, triggered an unprecedented turmoil in this industry, people from all walks of life have discussions, for a time uproar, when they call this publication, or impassioned, or earnest, or worried, Or gloat, and a considerable number of people made a fierce speech, the reporter requested the review, they also said to withdraw, afraid to publish. Many companies are constantly providing new information, or fax, or mail, or telephone, confused the “Chinese wine” editorial department is lively. More number of dealers called, “This is something I am afraid now no purchase, how much into the point, can continue on the slip on the line, do not know when the goods hit the hands.” Moreover, some distributors made it clear when they called the magazine: “We did not understand Baina until the dust was settled.” This incident triggered the fast, wide spread, unprecedented in the wine world. And the matter is constantly evolving every day, and we receive new intelligence every day. In response to requests from all parties in the wine world, this magazine has sent a special interview group to all walks of life in the industry - government officials, leaders of associations, legal professionals, dealers, enterprises, experts, scholars, foreign wine professionals and others A comprehensive interview. The picture shows the industry a panoramic view. According to well-informed sources, both sides are forming a huge group of lawyers; some even said: The incident has been lifted to the political level, both in the dark and in the dark, the lawyer is collecting all kinds of evidence; secretly , Leaders at all levels have come forward, with municipal leaders, provincial leaders, ministerial leaders, involving a wide range of activities, the scope of activities far beyond the expectations of people, would have thought it was a legal battle, but is likely to upgrade Become a political battle.
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