Geometric stability and electronic structure of infinite and finite phosphorus atomic chains

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongfuhei
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One-dimensional mono- or few-atomic chains were successfully fabricated in a variety of two-dimensional materials,like graphene, BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides, which exhibit striking transport and mechanical properties. However, atomic chains of black phosphorus(BP), an emerging electronic and optoelectronic material, is yet to be investigated.Here, we comprehensively considered the geometry stability of six categories of infinite BP atomic chains, transitions among them, and their electronic structures. These categories include mono- and dual-atomic linear, armchair, and zigzag chains. Each zigzag chain was found to be the most stable in each category with the same chain width. The mono-atomic zigzag chain was predicted as a Dirac semi-metal. In addition, we proposed prototype structures of suspended and supported finite atomic chains. It was found that the zigzag chain is, again, the most stable form and could be transferred from mono-atomic armchair chains. An orientation dependence was revealed for supported armchair chains that they prefer an angle of roughly 35?–37?perpendicular to the BP edge, corresponding to the [110] direction of the substrate BP sheet.These results may promote successive research on mono- or few-atomic chains of BP and other two-dimensional materials for unveiling their unexplored physical properties. One-dimensional mono- or few-atomic chains were successfully fabricated in a variety of two-dimensional materials like graphene, BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides, which exhibit striking transport and mechanical properties. However, atomic chains of black phosphorus (BP) , an emerging electronic and optoelectronic material, is yet to be investigated. Here, we comprehensively considered the geometry stability of six categories of infinite BP atomic chains, transitions among them, and their electronic structures. These categories include mono- and dual-atomic linear Each zigzag chain was found to be the most stable in each category with the same chain width. The mono-atomic zigzag chain was predicted as a Dirac semi-metal. In addition, we proposed prototype structures of suspended and supported finite atomic chains. It was found that the zigzag chain is, again, the most stable form and could be transferred from mono-atomic armchair chains. An orientation dependence was revealed for supported armchair chains that they prefer an angle of roughly 35-37? perpendicular to the BP edge, corresponding to the [110] direction of the substrate BP sheet .sese results may promote successive research on mono- or few- atomic chains of BP and other two-dimensional materials for unveiling their unexplored physical properties.
【中图分类号】G625.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)12-0230-02  泰戈尔说过:“不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美。”多么幸福的鹅卵石,在水的呵护下,变得如此光洁美丽。教师的表扬和鼓励,就如同那水的载歌载舞。是的,没有爱,就没有教育;没有爱,就没有快乐,作为班主任对问题学生真诚的爱就是教育好他们的首要前提,而关键是班主任用爱去关注他们,让
A method of ion-pair chromatography with direct conductivity detection was developed on a silicabased monolithic column for the fast and simultaneous determinat
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