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鸡粪,这种禽蛋生产的副产品,伴随着养鸡业的快速发展,近年来产量同步增长,对环境的污染也日渐突出。大量鸡粪露天堆放所散发的令人难以忍受的臭味、蚊蝇蛆蛹孳生为害,成为一些人主张封杀养鸡业的理由。然而,封杀毕竟不是办法,于是,为养鸡业长远健康发展计,对鸡粪的综合治理就提到了日程上。河北省会石家庄市是养鸡存栏大市,鸡粪治理成为该市污染治理的重中之重。今年春节后市政府召开的第一次工作会议就是研究部署全市鸡粪综合治理工作。最近,全市第一批建成的鸡粪发酵厂通过检查验收,治理工程初战告捷。鸡粪发酵处理是怎么回事?它对养鸡业将产生怎样的影响?记者就此采访了石家庄市业内人士和部分生产厂家。政府扶持的环保产业 Chicken manure, a byproduct of this kind of egg production, is accompanied by the rapid development of the poultry industry. In recent years, its output has increased at the same pace and environmental pollution has become increasingly prominent. The unpleasant odor of large quantities of chicken manure piled in the open air and the breeding of mosquito and maggot pupae have become the reasons why some people advocate the banning of chicken farming. However, after all, the ban is not a solution. Therefore, for the long-term healthy development of the chicken industry, comprehensive management of chicken manure was mentioned on the agenda. Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei Province, is the stock market of chicken, chicken manure management has become the city’s top priority pollution control. The first working meeting held by the municipal government after the Spring Festival this year is to study and deploy the city’s comprehensive management of chicken manure. Recently, the first completed chicken manure fermentation plant in the city passed the inspection and acceptance and the treatment project won the first battle. Chicken manure fermentation is how the case? It will produce chicken industry how the impact? Reporters interviewed Shijiazhuang City, the industry and some manufacturers. Government support of the environmental protection industry
(1—10题,每题10分) 一、①电路如图1 a) b) c)所示,输入V_i为正弦波信号,峰值为±5V,试分别画出V_i与V_o的对应波形,并标出电平值。(说明:设图1中全部稳压二极管稳压电压V_
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