在许多人眼里,海关 不是一个新闻迭出的部 门,缺少花絮和猛料。 2005年的海关依然延续 了这种平实风格。 盘点中国海关2005, 没有跌宕起伏、扣人心弦 事件,有的是各种各样的 数字,和从数字中衍生出 的平淡故事。完成全年关 税收入是数字,缩短通关 时间是数字,寻找反走私 线索靠的还是数字。但风 起云涌是风云,云淡风清 何尝不是另外一种风云, 让我们一起来见证中国 海关的2005。
In many people’s eyes, the customs is not a news department, the lack of trivia and Mengliao. The customs in 2005 still continue this flat style. Inventory China Customs 2005, there is no ups and downs, exciting events, some are all kinds of numbers, and derived from the figures of the plain story. To complete the annual tariff revenue is a figure, shorten the customs clearance time is the number, looking for anti-smuggling clues rely on or figures. But surging is the situation, clear-cut appearance is not another case, let us witness China’s customs together in 2005.