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我厂是航天工业部所属的一个中型企业。几年来,我们根据本厂的特点,开展了一些情报服务工作,收效较为显著。工作中我们体会最深的就是“缠”和“渗”。所谓“缠”,就是利用各种机会“缠”住用户,进行宣传。 1983年5月,航天工业部在北京召开了全部科技情报工作会议,主要领导以及国防科工委领导都到会讲了话,会上制定了《航天工业部科技情报工作条例》等一系列有关条例,当时的主管领导宋健副部长还要求部情报研究所今后要定期到各单位检查有关工作的落实情况。为了使这次会议的精神得到 Our factory is a medium-sized enterprise under the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. Over the past few years, we have carried out some intelligence service work according to the characteristics of our factory, and the results have been remarkable. Our deepest understanding of the work is “winding up” and “seeping.” The so-called “tangling” is the use of various opportunities to “wrap” users and promote them. In May 1983, the Ministry of Aerospace Industry held all scientific and technological intelligence conferences in Beijing. The main leaders and leaders of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence attended the meeting and made a series of related regulations on the “Science and Technology Information Regulations of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry”. The regulations, the then-director-in-charge of the then Deputy Minister Song Jian, requested the Ministry of Information Research to regularly visit various units to check the implementation of the relevant work. In order to make the spirit of this meeting
Sunny Saturday 2007, Oct. 3rd1 It is2 sunny and hot. I went to a beautiful place-Great Wall3 with my friends. We went there at 10:00 by a bus4. We had great fu
英语创新教育要重视几个方面:一是树立开放英语教育观念;二是主体参与性原则;三是精心创设情景,让学生在实践中创新。 English innovation education should pay attention
“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。”如果没有温暖的鸟巢,哪来飞鸟自由翱翔的英姿?如果没有湛蓝的海洋,哪来鱼儿逍遥戏水的身影?国家体育场(俗称“鸟巢”:Beijing National Stadium,known as Bird’s Nest)和国家游泳中心(俗称“水立方”:The National Aquatics Centre,known as The Water Cube),一个作为北京2008年夏季
当手电成为画笔,你便能让黑暗华丽变身,绘出令人惊叹的奇异幻境。Special-effects photogra- phers use light in some unusual ways.But what happens when the light itsel
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As time goes by,你能想象么?这该是一首纯美无瑕的歌,可我们还是听到了微弱的哀伤与啜泣。阳光穿过路两旁高耸的树木投射下破碎斑驳的光亮,而多年前它们都还 As time goes
社会主义精神文明的鲜花不仅盛开在人们的思想领域里,同时也盛开在生产和商业工作的舞台上. 美学与科学技术的结合,这是满足人们“精神功能”要求的一个强有力的手段。随着