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上世纪30、40年代,日本军国主义发动了罪恶的侵华战争,惨无人道,灭绝人性,暴行滔滔,罄竹难书。在面临亡国灭种的危难关头,誓不当亡国奴的中国人民万众一心、同仇敌忾、浴血奋战。不仅演绎了一幕幕威武不屈、惊天动地、热血忠魂的悲壮活剧,而且高奏了一曲曲弘扬人类仁慈之心的人道之歌!本栏目特辑了有关八路军救护日本遗孤美穗子的一组文章,充分体现了中国人民宽容大度的胸怀和以德报怨的善良品性,闪烁着超越国界的伟大纯洁的爱,读之令人感动、赞叹。穷兵黩武的日本军阀是万恶之源,中日两国人民决非天生的仇敌。日本军阀发动的侵华战争使中国人民蒙受空前浩劫,也使日本百姓深受其害,不少家庭妻离子散,众多青年充当炮灰,葬身异乡。残酷的现实使人从梦中惊醒,甚至有些曾在中国施暴的日本士兵,也翻然悔悟,掉转枪口,成了抗日的“日本八路”。下面发表的“‘日本八路’忆抗日”一文介绍前田光繁的转变就是一例,读来逼人深思。相信,每个有良知的人,读了上述往事,心灵定会受到极大的震憾。历史不能忘记,悲剧不能重演。回顾历史,不是为了记仇,更不是为了煽动狭隘民族主义,鼓吹复仇情绪,而是要以史为鉴,面向未来。“度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”,愿中日两国人民从血的历史中吸取教训,坚持世代友好、合作互利、共同繁荣,为世界和平和人类进步事业作出应有的贡献。 In the 1930s and 1940s, Japanese militarists launched the sinful war of aggression against China, inhumanly exterminating humanity, and surging in atrocities. In the face of crisis at the expense of extermination of their country, the Chinese people who vowed not to die in slavery continued to work with one heart and one mind and fought bloody battles. Not only performed the tragic drama of invincible, earth-shattering, passionate and loving souls, but also performed a song of humanity that melodiously promoted the heart of human benevolence. This column features a series of articles on the rescue of the Japanese Ezo Miho by the Eighth Route Army, It reflects the Chinese people’s generous tolerance and the good character of being virtuous and glorious, glittering with great pure love beyond national boundaries. The Japanese warlords, who are extremely militaristic and militaristic, are the source of all evil. The Chinese and Japanese peoples are by no means natural enemies. The war of aggression against China launched by the Japanese warlords exposed the Chinese people to unprecedented catastrophe and inflicted tremendous damage to the Japanese people. Many family divorces were scattered and many young people were used as cannon fodder and were buried in a strange land. The cruel reality has awakened people from their dreams. Even some Japanese soldiers who had violently abused in China have repentance, turned their guns, and become the “Japan’s Eighth Route Army” in resisting Japan. The following article, “’Japan’s Eighth Route Recalling Anti-Japanese War,’ describes a change in Maeda Mitsuhiro as an example, which is too hard to read. Believe that every conscientious person, read the past events, the soul will be greatly shocked. History can not be forgotten, the tragedy can not be repeated. Looking back on history, not for revenge, nor for inciting parochial nationalism or advocating revenge, but to draw lessons from history and look to the future. ”Let’s make robbery brothers meet and laugh at each other." May the Chinese and Japanese people learn lessons from the history of blood, uphold the friendship of generations, cooperation and mutual benefit, and common prosperity, and make due contributions to the cause of world peace and human progress contribution.
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