
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woai6672690
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疏勒县二区一乡星光社,1958年种了3.19亩试验田水稻,获得平均亩产2,005.7斤的丰产。其主要的栽培经验是:1.实行秋耕、早耕、播前多耕。在前荏水稻收获後,於10月上旬及时进行秋耕,深20公分。翌春解冻後每隔7—10天,用23号犁耕翻一次,播前共耕5次,深度15—20公分不等。2.施足基肥,适时追肥。在春天第三次耕翻时,每亩施陈土(墙土、肥土)120口袋(每袋150斤),耕第四次时施入150口袋,播种前最后一次犁地时,每亩施入羊粪120口袋,人粪与厩肥的混合肥80口袋。在水稻拔节、抽穗时,分别追施人粪、羊粪混合肥60口袋。施肥时注意了氮磷钾的配合,防止陡长和倒 Shule County, two districts and one town of Star Club, 1958 planted 3.19 acres of paddy fields, access to an average yield of 2,005.7 kg of high yield. The main cultivation experience is: 1. The implementation of autumn plowing, early plowing, sowing more tillage. In the first crop of rice harvest, in early October autumn farming, 20 cm deep. After the next spring thaw every 7-10 days, with a plowing plowing 23 times before sowing a total of 5 times the depth of 15-20 cm range. 2. Shizujifei, timely top dressing. At the third tillage in spring, 120 pockets of soil (wall and soil) were applied per acre of soil (150 kg per pound) and 150 pockets were plowed for the fourth time. When plowed for the last time before sowing, Apply sheep’s poop 120 pockets, manure and manure fertilizer 80 pockets. In the jointing of rice, heading, were topdressing manure, sheep manure, 60 pockets of fertilizer. Fertilizer attention to the coordination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, to prevent steep and down
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一、临床资料   1 68例为 1 992~ 1 998年于我院经内镜确诊的老年反流性食管炎患者 ,男 1 2 2例 ,女 4 6例 ,年龄 60~ 89岁。临床上有不同程度的反酸、胸骨后或剑突下烧灼痛