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CA 公司的 eTrust 是一套全面管理电子商务环境安全的解决方案套件,它提供了能够保护从浏览器到大型主机的所有资源,并管理企业已有的安全架构,能解决网络访问、数据保护、用户身份识别以及架构管理等问题。eTrust 系列产品分为三组解决方案:eTrust Defense、eTrust Access 和 eTrust Management,所有产品可由eTrust Portal 进行集成管理。安全防御:eTrust Defense 可以监测、分析、警告、防止和消除任何攻击,不管它们是恶意的移动代码、蠕虫、病毒、还是企图破环企业电子商务的黑客。eTrustDefense 解决方案套件包括:eTrust Content Inspection,可过滤邮件和浏览过程中所带有的恶意的 JavaScript 和 ActiveX 代码;eTrust FireWall,可保证不同级别系统或与外系统互联的安全性;eTrust Antivirus,可实施有效的网络防病毒;eTrust Intrusion Detection,可及时发现黑客的攻击行为和可疑的网络活动,并且有效的阻止网络的滥用。安全访问:eTrust Access 提供基于策略的控制,通过在网络访问控制、PKI 加密、数字化认证管理和 VPN CA’s eTrust is a suite of solutions that fully manage the security of your e-business environment by providing all the resources you need to secure your browser to mainframes and to manage your existing security infrastructure to address network access, data protection, User identification and architecture management and other issues. The eTrust family of products is divided into three groups of solutions: eTrust Defense, eTrust Access, and eTrust Management, all of which are managed integrally with eTrust Portal. Security Defense: eTrust Defense monitors, analyzes, warns, prevents and eliminates any attacks, whether they are malicious mobile code, worms, viruses, or hackers attempting to break corporate e-commerce. The eTrustDefense solution suite includes: eTrust Content Inspection, which filters malicious JavaScript and ActiveX code that comes with mail and browsing; eTrust FireWall, which secures connectivity at different levels or outside the system; eTrust Antivirus, which can be implemented Effective network antivirus; eTrust Intrusion Detection, can detect hacker attacks and suspicious network activities, and effectively prevent the abuse of the network. Secure Access: eTrust Access provides policy-based control over network access control, PKI encryption, digital certificate management, and VPN
细菌性痢疾(bacillary dysentery)简称菌痢是由痢疾杆菌引起的急性肠道传染病,终年均可发生,主要累及乙状结肠和直肠。我院传染科使用黄连素、庆大霉素灌肠联合氨苄青霉素等
6月19日,中国科学院研究生院与3Com 公司及北京威通网讯网络技术有限公司共同宣布,三方将在全国100多个中国科学院研究生院建立校园网。中国科学院研究生院以设在北京的研究
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FSSS是保证锅炉安全运行的重要系统,它能够在出现危及锅炉安全的工况时,迅速切断进入炉膛的所有燃料,防止炉膛爆炸事故的发生。 FSSS is an important system to ensure the