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在1840年后的岁月中,中国人在屡次挨打中形成一个共识——落后挨打,发奋图强,追求成功!其实,在老大帝国漫长的帝制史与艰难转型中,落后挨打,先进也挨打;落后内外挨打遭遗弃,先进在圈内挨打遭排挤。在“超静定结构”的老大帝国圈内,人口密度大,人均资源稀缺,优越地盘和优势资源尤其短缺,生存资源竞争,发展机遇竞争,控制权竞争,名利地位分配竞争,多数竞争局限于圈子内部,而不是向外开拓,各种竞争活像球类竞赛,先进者必然受阻受扰挨打。此种打击先进的内耗现象由来已久,源远流长。《老 In the years after 1840, Chinese people formed a consensus on repeated beatings - they were lagging behind and being beaten hard, seeking success. In fact, they were behind and beaten in their long history of imperialism and difficult transformation. They were advanced and beaten as well. Behind abandoned inside and outside beaten abandoned, advanced beaten in the circle were crowded. In the “statically indeterminate structure” of the Empire Empire, the population density is large, the per capita resources are scarce, especially the superior sites and advantageous resources are scarce, resources for survival, competition for development opportunities, competition for domination, competition for the distribution of fame and fortune and most competition Restricted within the circle, rather than open up, all kinds of competition like ball games, advanced must be blocked disturbed beaten. This blow to the advanced phenomenon of internal friction has a long history and has a long history. "old
A taste of European culture was offered in Chaoyang Park in Beijing, May 23-24,as the EU Extravaganza showcased the highlights of the region’s music and cuisin
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11月21日 晴  每个女孩子都有一个梦,我也一样,我有一个公主梦,好美好美的公主梦。  小时候爱看安徒生的童话,几乎每个童话故事的结局部是从此以后公主和王子过着幸福美满的生活。于是我认为,公主就是美丽和幸福的象征,每一次和伙伴看完了那些童话后,女孩们都争先恐后的演公主,男孩们都争先恐后的演王子……  记得有一次,妈妈带着我在街上逛,路过一个婚纱店,我看到了婚纱,好美好美,心里痒痒的。我把婚纱当作