From February to March 1990, it was a turning point for the scientific community in the Soviet Union. Two academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union made speeches at the plenary session of the Central Committee of the CPSU at the plenary session of the Central Committee on the current difficulties and reform direction of Soviet science. Immediately afterwards, there was a conference of science and technology, education and party affairs delegates representing about 1,000 people in all the science and technology conferences (all the above materials were featured in the current issue). Shortly after, 3.20.-3.23, another annual meeting of the Soviet Academy of Sciences was held. This annual meeting is very different from the previous annual meetings both in terms of procedural arrangements and spirit. In addition to the work report of Makarov, Secretary-General of the Academy of Sciences, the four academicians also presented four supplementary reports on the work of the social sciences, technological sciences, chemistry and the Siberian branch respectively to the convention (with the general title of "Science