
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evil
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近日,记者在广州公安机关采访,听到的频率最高的词是“一日义务警察”。广州市的许多警察对8月6日上午的报名活动仍然记忆犹新——“一日义务警察”活动群众报名的热烈程度大大超出原先估计,原先计划首批组织1000名“义务警察”,最终有3000多群众报名参加。从8月中下旬开始,经过报名挑选后的首批1000名“一日义务警察”在每个周末已陆续随警“出更”。义警的激情也激励了广州警方在治安形势反弹的情况下维护治安的信心和决心。 Recently, the reporter interviewed in Guangzhou public security organs and heard the word with the highest frequency of “one-day obligatory police.” Many police officers in Guangzhou still remember the registration activities on the morning of August 6 - the enthusiasm of the masses for the “one-day volunteer police” application greatly exceeded the original estimate. The original plan was to organize the first batch of 1,000 “volunteer police officers” and eventually There are more than 3,000 people to sign up. Starting from the second half of August, the first 1,000 “one-day obligatory police officers” who have been selected by the Ministry of Enforcement have been “released more” with the police every weekend. Passionate police also inspired Guangzhou police confidence and determination to maintain law and order in the case of a rebound in law and order situation.
The amount and the form of precipitation have significant effects on glacier mass balances in high altitude mountain areas by controlling the accumulation, the
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今天宋老师神秘兮兮地从包里拿出一个方方正正的红色小盒子,我们无比好奇地瞪大眼睛。宋老师微笑着说:“这个盒子里装的东西可是世界上独一无二的宝贝!你们猜猜是什么?”  教室里立刻炸开了锅,同学们七嘴八舌地抢着猜。有的猜是一块金牌,有的猜是一枚晶莹剔透的宝石,还有的猜是一个高档小机器人,甚至有同学猜是摇钱树的种子……可是没有一个人猜对!  这时宋老师又摇了摇红盒子,“当、当、当”,三下清脆的响声。大家又
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